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Peter DeGregorio

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since Jul 11, 2002
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Recent posts by Peter DeGregorio

I use LockOutRealm combined with a JDBCRealm to authenticate users. If a user enters 3 consecutive invalid passwords they are automatically locked out for 5 minutes. If the user's password is reset during this wait period they still can't log on because they are locked. A message in the console is shown WARNING: An attempt was made to authenticate the locked user "so-and-so". There is an unlock method for LockOutRealm and I would like to give the administrator the ability to click a button to unlock the users. My question is how do I get the LockOutRealm object in my code to do the unlock? Is there a way to get at this using mbeans?
Thank you,
9 years ago

Mike London wrote:Has anybody successfully written a WS client that access the USPS Web Service?

The service is cool in principle, but there isn't much documentation.

Look forward to any replies.


-- Mike

This is an old post I'm replying to but info is kind of sparse even now for Java and USPS web tools. Today I got the zip code lookup API working in Java. I used Groovy for the XML part. Here is the Groovy part for putting an address into the required XML form
The user ID is obtained at the USPS web site ... Once you register you get access to their test server.

Here is the Groovy code for parsing the XML back into fields

12 years ago
In newer e.g. Tomcat 5.5 version and Windows (e.g. Server 2008) there is a service.bat file that is used to install (or remove) the Tomcat service.
Can add a --StartPath parameter there to set the working directory. This is very useful when Tomcat is running on a drive other than where Windows is installed and you don't want to have to specify specific drive letters for file paths as it will use the drive that the start path is on.

rem Set extra parameters
REM Added --StartPath=%CATALINA_HOME%\bin
REM - Without this the working directory would be C:\Windows\System32
REM which would cause trouble if Tomcat were located on another drive
REM because attachments location is intentionally non-specific about drive
REM in order to be able to use same everywhere.

"%EXECUTABLE%" //US//%SERVICE_NAME% --JvmOptions "-Dcatalina.base=%CATALINA_BASE%;-Dcatalina.home=%CATALINA_HOME%;-Djava.endorsed.dirs=%CATALINA_HOME%\common\endorsed" --StartMode jvm --StopMode jvm --StartPath=%CATALINA_HOME%\bin

13 years ago


13 years ago
Two other possible causes:
1. Data source custom property oracle9iLogTraceLevel must be blank
2. WebSphere AS service pack level must include IBM's fix for problem of using 9i methods against 10g/11g database
13 years ago
Two other possible causes:
1. Data source custom property oracle9iLogTraceLevel must be blank
2. WebSphere AS service pack level must include IBM's fix for problem of using 9i methods against 10g/11g database
13 years ago
I for one am glad you replied "better late than never" because, I just today had the exact same problem and I would not have figured it out. The docking station I happen to be using has a ZIP drive plugged into it. Thanks!
21 years ago
I got my program with the problem similar to yours (Oracle not PostgreSQL) to work in WSAD with both Websphere Test Environment and Tomcat by adding the JDBC driver jar to the class path of the server instance as an external jar. Hope this helps.
22 years ago
WSAD (I am using 4.0.3) runs Struts without a fuss. Import the Struts example WAR into a new web project and it should run without a problem.
22 years ago
I am having a similar problem in WSAD but with Oracle. I'm trying to modify an application which uses (and finds) the PostgreSQL to use Oracle instead and am getting ClassNotFoundException at Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver").newInstance();
I have added to the project's list of libraries, where postgresql.jar is also listed. If I set it up to run the PostregSQL driver it finds it but it does not find the Oracle driver.
22 years ago