Yurong Chen

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since Jul 23, 2002
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Recent posts by Yurong Chen

Hello, I met two problems in my project:
1. I wrote the following application. It can be complied. However, when I run it, i get the error message:

My Application.java is as followed:

2. I want to count rows when I select something from tables. I use the following jsp programming. However, I cannot get the variable "count"'s value after I execute the SQL. The SQL is The method I want to get the value of "Count" is
My whole program is as followed:

Can anybody help me ?? Thank you in advance!
I met a problem in sending email. I want to send a email with both body content and attachment content. I try the following code:

However, I received the email only with the attachment. I cannot find any body content in my email. Could anybody help me? Thank you in advance!
22 years ago
I am a new beginner here. I am doing a small project about web server design. I meet a problem now.
In one step of my project, after the client submitting request, the server should do two things: one is send the main page back to the client, the other is invoking a algorithm to process the request and send the result to client by email. Is it a multiple threads problem? Should I use java servlet to solve the problem? I only use JSP in my project. Can I use JSP to solve the problem? If Java servlet is the only choice, could you give me some advice to do? I really don't know how to begin?? Thank you in advance!
Yurong Chen
22 years ago
I have solved the above problem. I didn't put the javabean in one specific package and put it inside the classes folder directly. Now I put the javabean in one specific package. It works well.
22 years ago
I have installed Tomcat4.0 in my Windows2000. I can run the examples provided by Tomcat4.0 successfully. However, when I run my own jsp program, the Tomcat gives me error message as followed:

I don't know why this happens. I have runned the same program on the Host Tomcat of our department. It works well. I think the problem should be the classpath. How to set the right classpath??
Thank you in advance!
22 years ago
Dear Frank and Michael,
Thank you for your kind help!
I have tried to make a "shell script" as followed:

At the same time, I wrote a java program to run this "shell script". The source code is followed:

This program can run sccessfully with the output " Succesfully" which is from the Test.java file.

However, when I put this code in my JSP and run it, it always give me the error page and make the Tomcat cannot be located any more. I have tried this for several days and failed again and again. Could you help me to solve the problem? The source code of my jsp is as followed:

Thank you in advance!
22 years ago
Dear Frank,
In this project, I should design a web server which can allow the users to make use some algorithms.
1. The algorithms are written in Matlab.
2. The users submit the Excel files which contains the input data of the algorithms.
3. I should use Java to finish the project.
4. I have used the jspSmartUpload Package to upload the excel files from the client side.
5. I have used the JMatLink package to call Matlab in java.
6. I should pass the different file which is uploaded from client side to my algorithms which is written in Matlab.
However, my problem is how to pass the different file names to the "shell script" file ( You taught me yesterday) in JSP and execute the "shell script" file in JSP.

Thank you very much!
22 years ago
Dear Frank ,
Thank you very much! I have tried the way you said and it works successfully.
However, I still have one more problem. I should call the JMatLink package in my JSP in tomcat. Everytime I should pass different parameters (different file names) to call my JMatLink package. How can I do that? Should I ask this question in JSP forum?
Thank you very much!
22 years ago
Hello, I met a problem when I try to set the UNIX environment variable in my java program for calling matlab. I used a package named JMatLink for calling matlab in java. However, before I starting the following environment variable must be set:

I have used the followng sorce code to try that:

However, when I compiled the program, it gave me error message about "cannot find the setenv command".
Could somebody tell me how to set the environment variable in java program?? Thank you in advance!
22 years ago
Dear All,
Thank you very much! I have solved the problem in Windows. However, I am still trying to set the right path in my web server.
22 years ago
Dear Andres,
I want to try the JSTL to send email after my program running. It should be brilliant. I need time to learn that.
22 years ago
Dear Andres and Ankur,

I think my problem is on setting the environment variables. However, I have set the package into my classpath. It still gave me the error message when I compiled the program:

Should I put the source code of my program here? It is a little long.

Thank you for your kind help!

[ June 22, 2006: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
22 years ago
It is the problem! Thank you ! I ignored that package when I imported the javax.*.
However, I met a new problem now. I sent out the message without any error now. But I didn't receive the email in the destination email address. I wrote a test program for that and got the following message:

Could you help me to explain that?
Thanks in advance!
22 years ago
Hello, I use javaMail for my javabean to send email in my web server. However I got the following error message when I compile it.:

my javabean Email.java has the source code as followed:

My application FinishRegister.jsp have the followed source code:

Thank you in advanced!
Yurong Chen
[ June 22, 2006: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
22 years ago
Hello, I use javamail to create a javebean for send email from the webserver. However, when I run the program, I get the following error message:

I don't know why it gives me such error message. When I compile my javabean, it works well and no error message.
Any help will be appreciated !
22 years ago