Tiny Star

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since Jul 29, 2002
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i am sure that struts can find struts-config.xml
so it has nothing to do with the path of the struts-config.xml i think maybe the ActionServlet has not been load. what config in tomcat can prevent ActionServlet being loaded ???
21 years ago
i buy a tomcat virtual host config like this:
<Host name="www.xxx.com" debug="0" autoDeploy="false" appBase="/home/xxx/web">
<Context path="" docBase="" debug="0"/>
The web master has disabled the tomcat manager
so if i want to use the manager shall i change
it to
<Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged="true" docBase="/path-to/server/webapps/manager"/>
it that ok ?
i then upload struts-blank (unpacked) ,but i
cann't load the Welcome.do it says
The requested URL /Welcome.do was not found on this server.
i do nothing with all the code in struts-blank directory ! what is the problem ?
[ May 26, 2003: Message edited by: Tiny Star ]
21 years ago
what's your reason ?
can we say that we don't want to face the client crash problem and feel it boring to do timeout and put it at server side is much easier?
can you tell me the reason where logic should be put ,client side and server side ?
what their advantages and unadvantages ,thanks very much.
my answer is just like the B/S system,if logic at the client side is changed,every client MUST change there client ,is this good design?
i am really wanted to know why so many people put
bookflight() at client side .
Thanks very much!
I'm now knowing that the business logic can put at both client side and server side but why?

I cann't give the resean,both way are all right.
Someone told me that the server is only a database interface and this would be a good reuse
But i cann't understand this.i think if the client side logic will be changed some days later
every client must download the new client but if we put it at server ,client is no need to do anything! am i right ? or i miss thing? i really want to know how they explain thire design who put bookflight() at client side.
can you tell me ?
why the server isn't provide a business logic called bookflight(int flightnum)???
if so the client can only call bookflight and this will be much safe for the record lock and unlock ,so why do you put bookflight at the client side.
i am waiting for your reply!
hi Michael,thanks very much for your post.
But someone says we should put the bookflight(int flightnum) logic at client side and the server is just a database server provides no business logic
so the call of lock() modify() unlock() are all at the client side , so if clientA call lock(int rec) but before he call unlock() he crashes so the record on the server will never be unlock,
the others can not book the ticket of the flight
is this not a serious problem?? i mean client crash not server crash!
waiting your reply!
where shall we put the bookfilght logic ?
if we put it at client side,if something is wrong just after lock record but before unlock it
how can we unlock it for others?
(client crash problenm)
Can i put the bookfight logic at server side ?
Shoud i put bookflight logic at client side and
call lock() modify() unlock() at client side?
what's the reason so many people put these logic at client side ,is that to say the server is only
give the datainterface ?
why cann't i put bookflight logic at server side ?
help me please!!!
I see that someone says that we must consider
the client crash problem but i think if you only
call RDBinterface.book() at client side and implement it at server side
public void book(){
you will not need to consider this problem , am i right ??
so such as client id etc. is no need?
RMI the client is crashed when the client is calling a mothod from the server,is there any exception will be thrown?
and how you judge this condition will happen?
[ September 27, 2002: Message edited by: Tiny Star ]
22 years ago
I know a little about english names,i change it.
this time ok?
or you can give me one .
[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: Tiny Star ]
22 years ago
Thanks very much!
Would you please tell me how to design a step by step like application?
i want to know if every step needs a panel or only one panel is enough,and if multi-panel is needed how to switch between them ? is setVisible(false) the good choice or i need to remove them?
thanks very much!
[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: tinystar ]
[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: tinystar ]
22 years ago
if a frame contains many panels then use what method to switch between them?
is that hide one and show another?
use setVisible(boolean) or somewhat ?
22 years ago