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Mikhail Tarassov

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since Aug 12, 2002
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Mikhail Tarassov wrote:Good idea. I see that I have the same problem in CertManager: I also have SCJP and the prerequisites for SCJD is fullfilled but for Oracle Java Developer is not.
Just wrote to Oracle an email to fix it and asked if it can be a cause of the 3+ months grading delay. If I have an answer, I'll post it here.

Finally, I got it. I received an email that I passed the certification just two hours after asking to fix a problem in CertManager. I don't think that this is coincidence, so if anybody has the same problem as me (with long delay), check your CertManager and aks to fix the problems (if any).
Good idea. I see that I have the same problem in CertManager: I also have SCJP and the prerequisites for SCJD is fullfilled but for Oracle Java Developer is not.
Just wrote to Oracle an email to fix it and asked if it can be a cause of the 3+ months grading delay. If I have an answer, I'll post it here.
Lot of smiling faces because I'm doing this certificate just for self-training. It was fun to do and interesting. And it's not my first certificate.
I guess, I'd be much more angry if I needed it for my career.

Btw, I've read a lot of your comments doing the certificate and found them very useful.

Want to share my bad experience. I'm not complaining, just want to let everybody know about the problems with Developer Exam.

I passed my essay exam on 14 December 2010 and sent an assigment on 22 December 2010. That means, 13 weeks ago. I always use and addresses.

Firstly, Oracle tried to ignore me sending a mail that I did not complete my essay:) I sent them the copy from my "Candidate History" from Prometric that proves that I completed my essay.

13 Jan 2011, Oracle wrote that they agree with me:) I indeed completed my essay and sent an assignment.

27 Feb 2011 I wrote again asking that I'm waiting almost 3 months, what's happening. They answered on 2 March, that they check my status and I have to wait 5-7 business days.

12 March, I re-sent them my assignment and wrote that 5-7 business days are over long time ago and still no any reaction. Now, Oracle just stopped answering:)

Conclusion: I'm waiting more than 3 months, I payed almost $500 for this exam, I lost plenty of my time and nerves:) Still no any grading from Oracle. Especially, they even stopped answering on my mails:) I have no idea what to do now...

Fortunately, I'm doing this certificate for selftraining and I don't need it for my career. But imagine the opposite situation? And also, I payed money for this and expect the correct and nice treatment:)

P.S. I passed 4 certificates with Sun and never had such a problem.
Hello. I want run "UltraEdit" or "MSWord" etc. from Java. How can I make it? Thanks.
22 years ago