Want to share my bad experience. I'm not complaining, just want to let everybody know about the problems with Developer Exam.
I passed my essay exam on 14 December 2010 and sent an assigment on 22 December 2010. That means, 13 weeks ago. I always use
developer-submit_US@oracle.com and
suncert_ww@oracle.com addresses.
Firstly, Oracle tried to ignore me sending a mail that I did not complete my essay:) I sent them the copy from my "Candidate History" from Prometric that proves that I completed my essay.
13 Jan 2011, Oracle wrote that they agree with me:) I indeed completed my essay and sent an assignment.
27 Feb 2011 I wrote again asking that I'm waiting almost 3 months, what's happening. They answered on 2 March, that they check my status and I have to wait 5-7 business days.
12 March, I re-sent them my assignment and wrote that 5-7 business days are over long time ago and still no any reaction. Now, Oracle just stopped answering:)
Conclusion: I'm waiting more than 3 months, I payed almost $500 for this exam, I lost plenty of my time and nerves:) Still no any grading from Oracle. Especially, they even stopped answering on my mails:) I have no idea what to do now...
Fortunately, I'm doing this certificate for selftraining and I don't need it for my career. But imagine the opposite situation? And also, I payed money for this and expect the correct and nice treatment:)
P.S. I passed 4 certificates with Sun and never had such a problem.