Sarita Gupta

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since Aug 12, 2002
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Recent posts by Sarita Gupta

Congrats.... Just curious was there anything about jsf technology???
12 years ago
guess what i called up SUN today and they said it is because I took the SCJP in Singapore (now am in UK).. and that if i wish to do 310-083 in UK I�ll have to retake my SCJP here again.....

somehow am not convinced with the reply (not sure if i was talking to the right person)..... i thought such certifications are recognised worldwide.....

do you think i should just go ahead n purchase the exam voucher for 310-083 even though the SUN Cert Mgr shows otherwise?

[ September 08, 2008: Message edited by: Sarita Gupta ]
sorry... i meant SCWCD 310-083...
[ September 06, 2008: Message edited by: Sarita Gupta ]

I am a little confused. I have done the following
- Sun Developer for the Java 2 Platform
- Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform (1.2)

and now I plan to do SCWCD(310-084). However when I look at the Sun Certmanager, it shows that I am eligible for 310-080 and not 310-084.

I have met the pre-requisite for 310-084 though. Have sent a couple of mails to SUN but have not received any response.

Can someone explain why


[ September 06, 2008: Message edited by: Sarita Gupta ]
[ September 06, 2008: Message edited by: Sarita Gupta ]
Ooops I guess it was a typo my part.... the url string was incorrect... It's working perfect now
Thanks all anyways.
I have added to the classpath, fbnServer.jar.
And I have the following code in the constructor of the FBNServer
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(portNo);
Naming.bind(url, factory)
So I don't have to start the registry seerately.
Anything wrong here....
[ April 28, 2003: Message edited by: Sarita Gupta ]
I am getting the following error when connection to the fbn server. Can anyone tell me what could be the cause.
url rmi//
Trouble: java.rmi.ConnectIOException: error during JRMP connection establishment; nested exception is: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
It seems to work fine if both the server and client run on the same machine... pls someone help
Hi all,
Just to check, do I have to document how to install and execute the application in both Unix and Windows environment.
Also, it's said that
All submissions must be packaged in a JAR file.
Does it mean that we can only submit a single jar file. In which case, my README.txt will be in the jar file(which will be in the install directory after extracting). Should that be the way... pls comment
Advice is appreciated. Thank you.
Hi all
I am getting the following error on the console
ERROR: invalid console appender config detected, console stream is looping
Seems it's got to do with the log4J configuration.

How do i resolve this???
22 years ago
refer to posting
How to handle Data and RemoteData
[ September 30, 2002: Message edited by: Sarita Gupta ]
Hi Tiny Star,

Originally posted by Tiny Star:
why the server isn't provide a business logic called bookflight(int flightnum)???
if so the client can only call bookflight and this will be much safe for the record lock and unlock ,so why do you put bookflight at the client side.
i am waiting for your reply!

For me, i prefer the business logic to be on the server side for the same reason u mentioned. And Michael gave me the assurance that it's ok as long as we are a able to give a pretty convincing reason for our choice. So I guess u should not worry yourself too much.
Other's what do u say on this.

Originally posted by Gurpreet Saini:
I do hope that you are not reading the available seats of selected flight on client side ie retrieving available Seats from table model. Otherwise OK.

Of course not Gurpreet. It's the updated info from the db after successful booking.