Mike Sanderscone

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since Feb 02, 2016
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Recent posts by Mike Sanderscone

Thank you all!!!
I feel like we are peeling back the onion slowly.

The 'Thrashing' comes about once a week.. where we have CPU toward 95% on the Database, with Low I/O (like its not actually producing much data)... and High DTC connections (30 or so).. This problem goes on for about 2 hours.. and users can hardly do their work.
We all just monitor, and can't tell where it's coming from or what is happening.
DBA's believe that Hibernate is over-querying the database (because there are lots of JDBC connections)..
DEV's believe that the Database is causing an issue.. because it's crawling.. but nobody 'really' knows!
My goal is just to discover what is wrong!!
Great info!! Thank you so much!!!
I quickly get overwhelmed with Java terms.. but I am learning.
I understand that Hibernate can 'Predict' what data might be asked for next.. and go out to get that data.. maybe not?
Hibernate seems like it magically goes out to grab data.. How does it know which data to get? It doesn't seem to use Views or Stored-Procedures. Does it always look at Tables. It seems like there has to be a mapping somewhere that says: If I ask for EmployeeId, then go look at MyEmployeeTable..
When you use the 'hibernate.show_sql', where does the query appear?
We typically see weird-looking queries, and call them Hibernate, does Hibernate always use those?
Example: "select book0_.id as id0, book0_.title as title0..."

I really appreciate the help and insight! I couldn't find it anywhere else
Hey all. I'm new here, and I have lots of questions!
I'm on the database end (ms sql) of Hibernate.

I really want to learn more about what Hibernate/JDBC is doing.
We get a problem almost weekly, where the DB is thrashing, and I need to understand what Hibernate is doing.
But, I can't seem to find Hibernate-Datasets anywhere, it's almost like it doesn't have any!
I need to get more info on our H-System... like:
  • How can we monitor?
  • How can we control Caching?
  • How can we control predictive Data?
  • What datasets/objects is H pulling from?

  • The devs don't really seem to know, they just say: Hibernate is wonderful, and it knows the best optimized path to get data.. but they have no supporting evidence, and I dont think they really know! It's a big mystery!