Piyush Purang

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since Aug 20, 2002
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Recent posts by Piyush Purang

Oops! In my hurry did I forget.. what I dread .. that is to thank everyone who played a role in my preperation and my success at the exam ..
As I said Thanks! .. to all those helping hands ..
21 years ago
Dear Ranchers,
A few moments ago I was sitting in a prometric testing center and clicking away on answers.
I finished the exam in about an hour and a half. Reviewed all the questions. Found out that if you'd click any where near an answer it can select that option for me .. which means i found out that by inadvertently clicking on the screen i almost submitted two wrong answers .. had time to review so caught them in time
I started preparing some time late December .. after Xmas I'd say. Some background info .. I have known Java since last half of 1999 but started using it consistently only in the first half of 2000. And of course to add I am in love with Java I also did BASIC PASCAL C VB .. but none is as sweet to work with as JAVA .. now i even think in terms of interfaces and APIs
Here are the steps that i undertook from my side
1. I used www.janeg.ca a tonne as my study notes .. actually i printed all of it I dropped the idea of making my own after beginning and realizing that the time wasn't there.
2. I had Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide (2nd Edition) by Philip Heller, Simon Roberts as my easy-read companion.
3. JLS my hard-read companion especially topics on classes, interfaces, exceptions, arrays .. (note no thread here
4. For assertions I read the API guide from sun .. adequate coverage
5. Of course 1.4.1 API docs were always there .. especially for wrapper classes and collection framework
6. MOck Exams
a. Paid USD75 for practice questions from SUN .. I took all the three tests .. always got 79% or there about (did one each on Jan 6th, 11th and 12th ) If you can afford em don't skip em .. unbeatable ..
b. Did one Green Exam (I think the 3rd one) .. if i can call it so ..
c. then found http://www.danchisholm.net/ .. actually I found it 9th or 10th of Jan !!!HERE!!!.. (as some of the posts were raving abouts its difficulty level) .. too late? nah just in time .. actually the day before exam.. that was yesterday i just did the topic exams.. and reread the explanations of the answers I got wrong..
d. So in total i think i completed 4 complete tests .. I also wanted to do the following tests which i couldn't
i exam with book mentioned in point 2 above (included on the companion CD)
ii exam with "A Programmer's Guide to Java (tm) Certification" .. they have it on the book's website
iii comprehensive exams at www.danchisholm.net
7. when ever i did a test there were always some sitters that i missed .. and there were some mistakes in tests .. and then there were some very interesting questions .. made a huge circle with pencil around them if they were on paper
8. Today morning while traveling to the test center I reread stuff (Math.. wrappers .. conversions .. threads .. exceptions couldn't do assertions and collections which were also on my list as i was struggling to find the test center) from janeg.ca study notes .. heller's book (finished reading through all my pencil marked points and questions in the exercises that i missed or i had found interesting) ..
So that was my preparation .. short but sufficient .. my target was at least 85% ... surpassed that
21 years ago
Hi Raghav,
You have to point the client browser to the proxy and the proxy would be aware of the destination Usually proxies are started like,
org.MyProxyClass ${ipaddress ort to forward to} ${port to listen on *ip address is usually localhost*}
in this case you'd for Netscape do the following ..
Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Proxies > Manual Proxy Configuration > View ..
and for a http proxy fill in the IP address of the box you are running proxy on and the port it is listening on
similar setup can be done for other browsers .. happy hunting .. or is that a forbidden word here
Proxies are a nice way of debugging HTTP Requests and Responses
A proxy that I often use is called Pluxy the pluggable proxy but sadly i couldn't locate it any more on the web .. so can't provide a URL but you can search i am sure it is someplace
21 years ago