Orville Vanstaden

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since Apr 11, 2016
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Jeppe Sommer wrote:Alright I am facing a more complicated issue when printing QR barcode.

According to the manual:
Page 3-128:

My code looks like, but its doesn't work. It's just printing the QR text, no QR image is shown. Do I make any mistakes in my code below?:

The following is an example showing the sending of the commands.

(1) Set bar code type
<ESC> <GS> "y" "S" "0" 1 Sets to model 1.
<ESC> <GS> "y" "S" "1" 0 Sets mistake correction level to L.
<ESC> <GS> "y" "S" "2" 3 Sets cell size to 3 dots.

(2) Set bar code data
<ESC> <GS> "y" "D" "1" 0 20 0 "2005, January, 1 (SAT)" <LF>
Sets bar code data (Data automatic analysis)
Sets bar code data (Data manual analysis)

<ESC> <GS> "y" "D" "2" 10 1 4 0 "2005" ","
4 2 0 "Year" ","
1 1 0 "1" ","
4 2 0 "Month" ","
1 1 0 "1" ","
4 2 0 "Day" ","
4 2 0 "(" ","
2 3 0 "SAT" ","
4 2 0 ")" ","
3 1 0 <LF>

(3) Print bar code
To verify whether to print with the current settings, check the bar code expansion information.
<ESC> <GS> "y" "I" Check bar code expansion information
<ESC> <GS> "y" "p" Print

Well did you ever find a sollution to this : D? I have the same problem right now.
8 years ago