Umashankar Arora

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since Aug 28, 2002
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Recent posts by Umashankar Arora

In my application user can draw n no. of image on the panel. Graphics2D is used to draw the images. I am getting OutOfMemoryError if user draw images more than 4 or 5. My application is very heavy. Can any one suggest how to optimise the memory consumtion in image renderering?
21 years ago
Hello Jianping,
I have tried drag and drop with very simple transfer of string between two lists but still the problem exits. The mouseDragged is called continously and the selection in the list after that is difficult. after clicking an item many times it comes out of the mouseDragged and selection is possible. I am unable think what is problem
21 years ago
I am having JList as DragSource and DropTarget. When i drag an object from one Jlist and drop that on other or same JList, then some times the mouseDragged is called continously even if the mouse is not dragged. what the problem is. can any one guide me.
21 years ago
to some extend i have found the reason. to change the header height i m setting the preferredSize of the header. if i remove this the problem is solved. hence other problem can't i change the height of table header different than the row height.
21 years ago
Hello friends,
I m having a class which extends JTable and that I have passed in the constructor of the JScrollPane as a parameter. Now When i Scroll the table horizontally the table headers not refreshed properly. The column headers and columns are not aligned properly.
Can any one help me.
21 years ago