sharath chan

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since Oct 22, 2017
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Recent posts by sharath chan

Hello all, I'm still new to Java(and Coding too). I often hear Java Archive(Jar)/ Web Application Resource(war) etc. I tried to give some reading on google, but everything is flying past by my ears. Please provide me some info on my doubts and any good material to do some reading(No buying!! Free stuff please!)

1) When we say compile, java file is converted to byte-code that's read by Java Virtual Machine(JVM). Now what's this packaging into Jar/War etc that I hear about? How does a .class byte-code gets converted to jar. My eclipse IDE also have options of generating jar/war. Can I do it manually?

2) How does Jvm treats these jar/war files?

Thanking in advance to anyone attempting to clarify my doubt. Apologies if the question doesn't make sense!
6 years ago
Thanl you Carey. I'll do more research on it. I've looked into some reading on JVM. In what language is the JVM written? Can write our own JVM? When we say different JVM for windows, Mac os etc, does it mean JVM depends on Operating System?
6 years ago

I'm new to Java(Coding too) and I came across Data Types. short,int,long,boolean etc.. I do understand that these're primitive data-types. But what exactly is data-type. When we say data-type int is there any code behind that defines or accepts data of type integer? How is the relation defined on data behind scenes. I tried my best to ask my question clearly. Hope I made sense. Thanks for anyone who attempt to answer my question.
6 years ago