Roger Chung-Wee

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since Sep 29, 2002
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The JEE 5 specification has this to say about web applications.

Web applications are composed of web components and other data such as HTML pages. Web components execute in a web container. A web server includes
a web container and other protocol support, security support, and so on, as required by Java EE specifications.

So, both "web container" and "web server" can be regarded as official terms. I also have no problem with "application server" when the server is serving dynamic Java web applications.
16 years ago
You have much more important things to do than getting concerned about JMS. For instance, you need to write a class which has fields for the data you are capturing. This must be Serializable for a remote client. You need to instantiate the class, populate the object, send it to a session EJB, extract the data from the object, load the DB. (Have you written the SQL?)You will need to sort out transaction handling.

Later, if you insist, you can always replace the session EJB with a MDB.
If you are certain that the class types are identical, then there must be a classloading problem. If you have one application, then build a single EAR file containing your WAR and EJB files. This will work because the EJB server will load the EJB classes before the web classes, thus ensuring that the EJB classes will be visible to the web application and not loaded twice.
It probably does not make much difference whether or not session beans are pooled on server startup - subject to a sensible upper limit to the maximum number of beans in the pool.

What is far more important is to use EJBs for the purpose they were designed for, like transactions, messaging or distribution.
Do you need a transaction that updates multiple databases in a coordinated manner? If so, then it looks as if you need distributed transactions and the two-phase commit protocol. Does your EJB server support 2PC?
Indeed, that's my real question: why would a transaction last that long. I would question any EJB transaction which lasts for more than 30 seconds. If it does, then a redesign is probably needed.
How can a transaction last for 10 minutes?

1. is it possible to move the resultSet object backward?

It is possible to move the cursor to previous rows in the ResultSet if the driver supports this.
What is the typical size of the objects you will pass into each MDB's onMessage() method?
Which JDK are you using? It is best to use 1.4.
16 years ago
You can have multiple JDKs installed on a server. Why would the presence of JDK 1.5 affect your WebLogic Server 8.1?
16 years ago
Only 25 years? Some people who worked on Y2k will tell you that code a lot older than 25 years had to be fixed.
16 years ago

if((x = false) || (y = true)) z++; // Why gives 43 !?

When you have a conditional OR operator where only one of the operands is true, then true is returned. So:

false || true returns true.
16 years ago
WebLogic Server 8.1 supports JDK 1.4. You will need to migrate to at least WebLogic Server 9.0 in order to run JDK 1.5.
16 years ago