Wacko Jacko

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since Oct 03, 2002
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Recent posts by Wacko Jacko

Is the extension of the file .JSP?
It looks like you have not told your Webserver it needs to propagate certain URI's requests to your JSP pages to WebSphere.
Do you have a web app installed in WebSphere Admin Console?
Is your JSP page in the right directory under this web app?
Did you regenerate the config-plugin and stop/start your webserver?
Good luck!
22 years ago
I am trying to run two web modules with the same context root, /xxx, on a server with name DNBPRES. In order to do this, I think I have to use virtual hosts.
So I create two VH's in Admin. Console, abc:80 and xyz:81, and set the 1st web module to use abc:80 and the 2nd to use xyz:81.
My question is: What do I need to specify in the IHS httpd.conf to make this work? If I create a <VirtualHost> block like:
<VirtualHost abc>
ServerAdmin webmaster@host.some_domain.com
DocumentRoot "C:/WebSphere/AppServer/..."
ServerName abc
I cannot get it to work.
Some advice please, thanks!
[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Wacko Jacko ]
22 years ago