Carl Byrd

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 28, 2018
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I'm a web developer with experience in Java, PHP, and JavaScript.
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Recent posts by Carl Byrd

Hi Ken,

Congrats on the book. Do you think Rust will eventually replace C/C++ for most system-level type projects? Thanks.
1 year ago
Hi Rosemary,

I apologize for my ignorance. This is the first time I've ever heard about Infrastructure as Code. I was wondering if you could give a high level explanation behind the concept. Thank you.
2 years ago
Thank you. I get it now.
2 years ago
I changed my profile and background picture yesterday, but it's just sitting there blank. Is there an approval process that's holding it up? Just wondering. I'll attach a screenshot.

Thank you.

2 years ago
Hi Kishori & Adam,

Java 8 seems to be a common version running in Production environments at the moment. In your opinion, what is the biggest change between Java 8 and Java 17?

Thank you,
2 years ago
Hi Bastian,

Since Rust is more of a systems language, can you see it being a replacement for C and C++ someday?

Thank you.
2 years ago

What is an example of a simple security flaw most developers miss when designing new software?

4 years ago
Hi Pini, Jamie, and Michelle,

I found it interesting that you have a fictional aspect to your book. What made you decide to go that route?

4 years ago
Hi authors,

What other programming language is Go similar to?

4 years ago
Hi Carlo and Massimo,

What is a simple security mechanism that many developers miss when setting up a Spring application, or a web application in general?

4 years ago
Hi Viktor,

What changes would a software developer in a DevOps setup experience coming from a traditional IT department?

Hi Ron,

What's your take on Java as a beginner language? Java was my first programming language in the late 2000s. Looking back, I think Python would have been a better introductory language.

The table of contents of your book look really interesting. I'm looking forward to checking it out.

4 years ago
Hi Jeanne and Scott,

Congrats on the book. Would there be any benefit for a developer with 10 years of experience to become Java certified?

I was hoping someone would have real world examples on how obtaining a Spring certification has helped with their career. Thanks!
4 years ago
Hi Adam,

Is reactive programming used in technologies/languages other than Java? Do many languages have an equivalent to Java Streams?

4 years ago