Ahmad Abutalib

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since Oct 06, 2018
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Thank you Mikalai for your reply. I read your post about passing Java EE 7 and I remember being impressed. I truly admire your efforts.

Now, here are my view:

- I looked up RedHat certification but there is not much chatter about it on the internet and the resources are scarce as well.
- I also looked up Spring certificates, and they seem to be good option.
- I emailed Oracle support about this and they match your description and the pre-requisite to the OCM. However, I can't attempt passing the OCM before passing a few OCE certificates. And Oracle retiring these certificates messed up my plans.
- I am a drifter. So, one of the reasons I take the exams is to focus, memorize and compartmentalize.

I passed my exam one week ago. It took 3 weeks of preparation for the exam. I used the OCP guide by Boyarsky & Selikoff and Enthuware.

I did prepare before for Java 6 years ago, which is obviously a stretch from Java 8.

Java 8 was dominated by Streams and Functional Interfaces. But I am an Oracle developer, so SQL in right in my alley. And I don't know if anybody noticed, but the similarity is clear. I believe Lukas Eder has an article about this.

The point is to me, streams and functional interfaces were the easiest part of the exam including collectors. Generics on the other hand, not as much.

I wanted to share my experience and take advice for what to tackle next.

I aim for the OCM. However, Oracle is retiring the Jee 6 OCE, so the path is not clear. What should I do?
5 years ago
- I just finished my OCP today and came to see what's next.
- The jee 6 soon-to-be-retired OCE certifications have no alternatives in jee7 except for one.
- I am building my way towards OCM.

My question is: will the new jee 7 certificate help? If not, what should I do?