Ayoub Rossi

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since Jan 25, 2019
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Tom Huynh wrote:Hi Ayoub,

Did you have an OCP certification as well? If so, how does this Spring exam compares to OCP?

Hi Tom,

I do also have an OCP certification.
The exam is very different.

Many can and will argue that the OCP is an easier exam but I think it depends.
I doubt there are a lot of Java developers that can come even close to pass the OCP without really studying for it.

As for the Spring certification, your working experience with Spring can have a big influence on the outcome.

Don't get me wrong, everyone will have to study for both those exams.

Passing OCP sometimes felt like being a human compiler while the Spring exam really requires you to understand all the concepts but not to memorize a lot of exact namings/implementations.

Don't hesitate if you have more questions.
2 years ago

Today I passed the VMWare Spring Professional Certification,

The exam was not easy but it is doable with decent preparation:

I have studied using the usual resources:

- Iuliana's Book ( Good only for beginners in my eyes )
- Ivan's summary
- Dominik Cebula on Udemy

As for mock exams, the only ones that really benefited me were those:


( Added coupon code to get them at lowest price possible ).

3 years ago

I am wondering if algorithms and data structures are really used in the field.

Me myself, have always liked to learn about those but the only place where I can really make use of them is on platforms like Leetcode and Hackerrank.

Of course coding interviews at big tech companies require knowledge about those too but what about the project you work on every day?


I work as a software engineer on Java Web Applications ( Spring )
3 years ago

I am trying to register for this but this does not work.

When I click on the button to activate the learning path and I accept the conditions I get redirected to a page with:

There are no subscriptions in your library.

How do we subscribe ?

Using the button 'Activate your free learning subscription' here does not work:


I am certified OCP Java SE 8.

One issue I often deal with, is keeping the knowledge fresh.
I feel like if I should take the exact same exam I wouldn't pass.

There are some concepts or cases which barely appear in real life like some of the concurrency concepts.

My question is the following:

How should I refresh my knowledge?

Take the upgrade exam or use the new book with the practice tests to practice my existing knowledge using those tests?

I saw that there won't be other Expert exams to replace those...
It would be nice to have one, that's why
I just saw that these certifications are retiring.
I still want to get at least one or two OCE's.

Which one do you recommend me ? I have a lot of time to study.
Which one take the least amount of time?
Personally I prefer JPA but I don't know which one are more easy then others.
Thanks in advance!