lorenzo vargas

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since Feb 15, 2019
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Recent posts by lorenzo vargas

do you know where I find these files Series_40_5th_Edition_SDK_FP1_Lite_v1_0_en.zip or Series_40_5th_Edition_SDK_FP1_Lite_v0_9_en.zip? sorry for this question again.
3 years ago
it wasn't that, I needed the file Series_40_5th_Edition_SDK_FP1_Lite_v1_0_en.zip or Series_40_5th_Edition_SDK_FP1_Lite_v0_9_en.zip.
3 years ago
i urgently needed this nokia sdk but i can't find it anywhere on the internet i tried to access the nokia forum site and it seems like it has been down for a long time it shows a message on my browser DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN if someone still has this sdk I'll be very grateful for the help, thanks in advance.
3 years ago
is it possible to turn my nokia x2-01 into a full nokia 2330c? from a downloaded firmware file or root? Thank you for your help.
5 years ago
I noticed that I get an error accessing the link I posted above, is it unavailable? is there another website for downloading some emulator or sdk of Nokia 2330 Classic for Windows 7? anyway thank you.
5 years ago
I was wondering if there is an emulator that is able to emulate a cell in windows to run applications to access the internet or games, I had long ago the nokia 2330 classic but ruined, the biggest problem is that I do not find anywhere on google to download this emulator, I already tried to access the website of nokia forums where had those sdks or something, but when I try to load I get a message in my browser saying ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED what is this? if anyone can help or if you have the link of this emulator I will be very grateful, thank you
5 years ago