senthil sen

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since Oct 10, 2002
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Recent posts by senthil sen

Hi All,

what is a singleton service and what is the use of it and where in real time scenarios we can use it.

11 years ago
Hi All,

Have some weblogic related real time questions. I am posting them below. I would appreciate your kind replies to them.

if two managed servers is in the Same Domain is configured in both servers, but one physical server is crashed then how can you create a domain with the same configuration?

if some servers in cluster are running some of them are down is it deployment is possible?
how to recover serializedini.dat, if the file is corrupted.
How admin server knows that the managed server is down?
what you can do if multicast buffer is full and how you know that?
What is the Max amount of information that can be saved in a session object?

11 years ago
How to find the weblogic's plugin version installed on Sun one webserver??

13 years ago
Hello All,

I am trying to find repeated IP hits to the server in the log file or how to find which IP has the highest number of hits to the server or has done the most damaged? This is not only for IP's but also for any host name or any user having the highest entry in the server log?

15 years ago
What is that is corrupted or deleted accidently? can it be recovered?
Also, if the admin password is lost of could not remember it? can we recover the admin in some way?

16 years ago
When a file is deleted, can it be recreated with the same user and password? will this work? if not what is the alternate when a file is deleted or corrupted?

Thanks guys,
16 years ago
Is there a way to recover SerializedSystemIni.dat file when there is no backup? is there a workaround?

16 years ago
what is the use of jvm.cfg file?
16 years ago
Hello All,

We are using weblogic 8.1 server and its a shared environment with one
managed server and multiple applications deployed to that server.
My question is,
Is there a way to create seperate log files output and errors for each
applications and can we do a log rotation for those log files?
By default the log is written to the managed servers output and server
logs file.
Is there a way to do it on weblogic other than log4j property file?

17 years ago
I am using weblogic 7.0sp6.

We recently migrated app to another physical server but the same weblogic version.

Once the application is deployed when we try to access that application it give us an exception.....

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serialize/XMLSerializer

Any thoughts on why this is happening?
17 years ago
Is there a way to create error and output logs for each webapps
seperately in weblogic.

Currently weblogic only allows us to create a log to the server level.
18 years ago
I have a subsite in my unix environment

and I have couple of MS-Word files under

when I try to access the doc files I get junk values, but when I Place the same doc file under webserver is able to serve this page.

any changes I should do. ?

this is the output I get when the DOC files are clicked

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18 years ago
Recently I deployed 2 applications in weblogic7 and weblogic8

/usr2/applns_one --> dev
/usr3/applns_one --> staging

Here "applns_one" are the same in "/usr2 and /usr3" where "/usr2" is for dev and "/usr3" is for staging.

I deployed both on the same instance or managed server of weblogic.

first deployed app (/usr2) had a context root "/applns_one-1"
Second deplyed app (/usr3) had a context root "/applns_one"

After deployment I see 404 error for the URL which is accessing "/usr2" appln since its context root is "/applns_one-1".

My issue is how can I deploy "/usr2/applns_one" and /usr3/applns_two" on the same managed server.
Is there any workaround for this in weblogic.

18 years ago
DocumentAttributes failed to refresh with an exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward a response that is already committed

I often see this error on my application running on weblogic 7.0?

Is this a familiar error??

19 years ago