Mohammed Samour

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since May 06, 2019
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Recent posts by Mohammed Samour

Please help me ...
How to modify the contents of a file in Java.......
4 years ago
Execution sentence
4 years ago
That is grateful to you for you will help me:
See the code for how to add a manager
Let's say you entered ID: 12018 and name: mark
Then enter number 1 again and set up a new account
For example, ID: 12019 and name: Jack
Then you enter the number 2 and choose Make sure the manager is there.
You entered ID: 12018
The problem here is why the program did not print a saved message successfully
How to solve this problem and thank you for helping me
4 years ago
I do not ask to write the program completely but I want to store the variables in the list of an array and these variables to more than a user using the oop in Java and apologized to you for the non-tactful way to ask the last question Please forgive me and you all the respect and respect
4 years ago
Please help me build this program .....
Suppose a company has an administrator, managers and employees
The administrator has the authority to add the managers, provided that the following information is taken - Name ... Number ... Mobile number ... Email ... Status (active .. inactive) ... This is for the manager
Second Manager ... has the authority to add employees provided that the information for each employee ... Name ... Number ... Status ... Salary ... Email.
Final Note ... I hope you will have the program accept the registration of a large number of staff and managers
It is desirable to have the OOP programming model in Java
I will be grateful to your very much
4 years ago