anand mohan

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since Oct 09, 2000
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Recent posts by anand mohan

Yes you correct. Once the server is down browser won't get any response.
Is there a way to handle this one using proxy server?
20 years ago
Thanks For your response. Once the server is down there is no response to the browser. I think we can't find timeout. Kindly let me know is there a way to find the time out in the browser.
20 years ago
Thanks for your response.
Can you eloborate about this."For a remote server, you can check the HTTP return code from a request to the server and raise an error if it's not in the 200 range."
20 years ago
In My application I need to redirect to an ERROR message page if the web server is down/crashed? Is there a way to handle this problem. Kindly help me in this regard.
Thanks & Regards
20 years ago
i using java mail api to send mail. i am getting the following exception.any budy can help me regarding this.
24 years ago
i want to send parameters from one jsp page to another and fro there to another page.i am getting from one page to another page from that to next page i am not getting help me.
24 years ago
i am having some problem in getting values from applet to java Script.the code is working in IE perfectly and not working in embedtag name="name_code" giving some problem.i am giving the code here please help me asp.

[This message has been edited by Thomas Paul (edited October 09, 2000).]
24 years ago