Rohit Gowda

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since Mar 15, 2020
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Thank you very much, these points are helpful for my research work.
4 years ago
It means decentralized applications, where we strive to provide the storage in a decentralized way by removing the negative effects of centralized storages like single point of failure etc.
4 years ago
Hi, my name is Rohit, right now I am working on my thesis for developing Dapp, to provide the decentralized secure database, for the storage of data I came across ethereum blockchain which provides the solution but regardless, executing the smart contracts to store the data, however, consumes a token. It needs a wallet which in turn complicates the use of the app for the users. So is there an option in blockchain to execute it and not making it heavy for the users. A bit confused on the selection, so the option for other databases like OrbitDb and BigchainDb or Gun. How can I achieve the things incase of ethereum-go instead, to do the same work along with encryption without tokens?
4 years ago
I wanted to know what are the advantages of typescript over javascript? What sets is apart from javascript?