David Mroczkowski

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since Nov 07, 2002
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Recent posts by David Mroczkowski

Thanks, Cindy.

I hope my first message wasn't too short. I have found what I should do, but it's not working. Here is the code I'm using.

This is what I'm using for my driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"
This is what I'm using for my url = "jdbc:odbc:Done"; // the db is in the same folder with my code.

I use

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

it's not working.

I get the following exeception:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source not found and no default driver specified.

[ July 25, 2004: Message edited by: Marilyn de Queiroz ]
I've been asked to connect to and Microsoft Access database to extract address information from a full address field. (This will eventually be moved to a MS SQL 2000 server). I've been working with Oracle ...
Can someone point in the right direction. The Access db is on my hard drive.
Thanks you to one and all. To reply...
I've been preparing for the exam since February and JQPlus, which was very helpful...but did not focus on Assertions and Collections nearly as much as was presented on the exam. However, those two sections happened to be where I did the best.
Go figure!
Of course, many thanks to JavaRanch to responding to my questions. I also used JCHQ's question of the day, http://www.examulator.com/jezam/question.jsp.
Three days before, I used Sun's prep exams.
21 years ago
It feels great to have passed!
21 years ago

Thanks for all the responses.
21 years ago
I came across a practice test question that had this in the for loop statement. I thought this would not compile. Am I wrong?
int i = 0;
for ( method1(i) ; method1(i); method2(i)) {
// code
boolean method1(int i) { i++ ;
return true;
boolean method2(int i) {i++;
return !(method1(i));
21 years ago
Thank Ryo!
Sometimes you just need confirmation.
21 years ago
I'm sure this basic is as do-re-mi, but here's another question that I need some help with...
boolean a = false;
boolean b = false;
boolean c = true;
if ( a==b==c){
} else {
This prints "true". Yes?
Then is the following prints the same?
boolean a = false;
boolean b = false;
boolean c = true;
if ((a==b)==c){
} else {
I'm preparing for the certification and sometimes the simple ones throw me.
Which way would be the preferred way?
Appreciate it,
21 years ago
Thanks. Somehow I had it in my head that the code was written...
synchronized static int[] test = new int[5];
21 years ago
I'm reading in Using Java 2 by Joseph L. Weber that "Array declarations are composed of the following parts: Array modifiers | Optional |The keywords public, protected, private, or synchronized."
I understand how an array can be public, protected or private; but synchronized.
The book was publish in 1998. Has this changed?
21 years ago
Thank you, Michael.
21 years ago
I see that "strictfp" has been added to the list of Java keywords. How is it used?
d :roll:
21 years ago