Originally posted by Nigel Browne:
Try changing
to this
Originally posted by Brian Pipa:
Has it EVER shown up? You should probably put in some dummy/test values to begin with to see if your table shows up - once you confirm that it does, THEN try getting the data from a DB.
Originally posted by Nathan Pruett:
You would just need to make a TableCellRenderer using the panel holding the two comboboxes ( and a TableCellEditor, too... since you obviously expect users to select values from the comboboxes and change the cell's value). However, why would one cell hold two values? Why not use separate columns to hold each set of data?
Originally posted by Tom Blough:
Have a look at DatabaseMetaData. The method getTables will return the information for your first listbox. The method getColumns will return the information for your second listbox based on the table selected in the first list.
Tom Blough