Ellen Reddix

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since Oct 23, 2020
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Recent posts by Ellen Reddix

No the program does not have to remember the cars between the runs.
Everything is done except the autogenerated ID. Right now you write it manually, but I want it to be generated when you write the name of the car.
3 years ago
No! I am writing my code in a controller and running it with a main.java file!
3 years ago
Thanks for answering! I want to be able to write the name of the car in a field that I have created and then press a button with the text "get autogenerated carID" or something and the ID will pop up in another field. I want the computer to remember which Id that belongs to the car and be able to give a new ID to a new car etc.
3 years ago

I am creating a GUI for cars. If I add a car I want to give that car an autogenerated ID, but I really do not now where to start... Does someone know an useful method for this?
3 years ago
I think I accidently deleted something that removed my classpath and modulepath? All my classes turned red? Does someone know what I did wrong?

I am creating a GUI
3 years ago

I have a problem with copy and paste code from the internet to my eclipse workspace since all code ends up on the same row.
Can someone please help with me with my problem
3 years ago
Hi, I am tryng to understand Arrays but I don't understand why this program prints out 3 and 40? Could someone PLEASE explain this to me?
3 years ago
Hi, I am creating a bank application where it is possible for the user to deposit or withdraw money. I have to create three classes. The first one should just implement the class "account", the second one should test the methods in the class "account" using a main-method. The actual banking application is created in the third class.

I am really not sure if I am on track, could you please take a look and give me some tips?
3 years ago
Hi! I am implementing the class "Account" and have implemented the instance variables "nbr" and "balance", according to the task: "Implement the class account. All instance variables must be private and have public access methods. The credit method increases the value of the instance variable balance by adding the instance variable balance and the parameter amount. The method extracts the decrement value of the instance variable balance by subtracting the instance variable balance and the parameter amount."

I really do not understand how to do this part:"The credit method increases the value of the instance variable balance by adding the instance variable balance and the parameter amount. The method extracts the decrement value of the instance variable balance by subtracting the instance variable balance and the parameter amount." Can someone please help me?

This is how far I have come:

3 years ago
Thank you for answering!
Blank spaces are not included, only letters. The first letter is printed out but every other is deleted.

I know how to do a program that asks the user to write a sentence. I also know that I probably have to use charAt and %. But I do not know how to use it. I am also suspecting that I need to use an array or a loop but I don’t know how. Please help.
3 years ago

Can someone please help me to create a program in java that prints out every other letter? For example if I enter "Hello World", then the output should be "Hlo Wrd". I am very new at programming and would very much appreciate your help!
3 years ago