Terry Kwan

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since Nov 16, 2002
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Recent posts by Terry Kwan

Hi all,
After a user has passed authentication using JAAS in web application such as Struts,how to make web container know it so that web declarative security can apply to the logined user?
thanks in advance.
21 years ago
i scored 100% in GC and Threads,but only got 55% in Exception section.
I wish i have paid more attention on Exception handling.
Thanks javaranch forum,i have got a lot of information from here.Thanks Dan for your mock exams,i have learned a lot from them.
21 years ago
why C is wrong?
but 3 says that "the value of a String object cannot be changed",is this wrong?
Which of the following statements are true?

1 A String created with the new keyword will cause a new String object to be created.
2 A String reference created without the new keyword will not necessarily cause a new String object to be created
3 Once created, the value of a String object cannot be changed
4 The value of a String object can be changed using the setValue method.
I think the 1,2,3 are true,but the answer is 1,2.
what's the correct answer?
[ December 03, 2002: Message edited by: Terry Kwan ]
Thanks for your detailed information.
[ November 28, 2002: Message edited by: Terry Kwan ]
21 years ago
excellent score,it seems GC is very difficult,but how to prepare for it?
21 years ago