Aparna Mudireddy

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since Dec 27, 2020
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Recent posts by Aparna Mudireddy

I figured it out. Thank You.
Good Morning! I am almost done with my assignment  with one pending activity of creating ear artifact to add it in deployment diagram, But I do not know how to add it. I tried and researched a lot but could not figured it out.
When I am selecting "Add Artifact" in boUml, It is resulting in "nothing available" error. Please help me here. I appreciate it.
Aparna Mudireddy
Guru, I have registered before it retired.
Hi Samrat,
I could not find much attributes (other than the name, color, carotValue for any stone) and operations for the class diagram. I am struggling to understand what can be extra operations or attributes that can result in need for inheritance here as provided in the business domain model. Please share your thoughts. I appreciate your inputs.
Aparna Mudireddy
317 263 4653
I am working on Gemstone International assignment, in the given business domain model, they have provided
1. Buyer and Supplier
2. SellOrder and BuyOrder
3. SemipreciousStone and PreciousStone ( again 3 sub classes for each of these two)

Practically I would go with a super class example User and have 2 subclasses Buyer and Supplier. One parent class Order with child classes SellOrder and Buy Order and  One superClass Stone, then 2 subclasses Precious and SemiPrecious and gain 3 sub classes for these two.

But as they have given them as separate classes with out parent class (User,Order,Stone) , I doubt if I am on right track, I mean is my thought process right or do I have to just go a head with provided classes as is?
And one more question is: If I take super class Order with some attributes stoneName,qty,price and orderType where orderType refers to an Enumeration with {"Sell" ,"Buy"} so the difference between the 2 child clases buyOrder and SellOrder is only the attribute value of orderType. In that case do I really need 2 subclasses, with out having any new attributes/operations on top of parent class?
I really appreciate your inputs here. Thanks in advance.

Aparna Mudireddy
317 263 4653
Hi, my OCM EA asisgnment is "Gemstone International". For Class diagram, I have one show stopper on whether I can just consider the classes/entities provided in the Business Domain model and elaborate them with attributes and public methods?
or Do I need to include the JSP/Servlets/EJBs/BOs ..all in the class diagram. I really appreciate your input here. Thanks in advance.
Hi Samrat, your post is very useful, my OCM EA asisgnment is also "Gemstone International". I have one show stopper on whether I can just consider the classes/entities provided in the Domain model and elaborate them with attributes and public methods?
or Do I need to include the JSP/Servlets/EJBs/BOs ..all in the class diagram. I really appreciate your input here. Thanks in advance.