Sebastian Makowiecki

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since Dec 28, 2020
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Recent posts by Sebastian Makowiecki

Hi there,

What makes this book stand out from the crowd? Why and when would I choose it over other available books in the subject?

I am looking for a good resource in the field of Android development, wondering would this be my best bet. I did not look at any other available resources (yet). Most of the time I like to make and informed decision, lately however I feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of available resources how does one make an informed decision any more?

I hope the reasons for my question are clear to you,

Thanks for the book and all the hard work put into it,

3 years ago
Thank you. Indeed an interesting thought to learn a bit of Haskell - never crossed my mind actually.

I actually hoped at least some of the LISP dialects would come up, happy to see Clojure on the list. Conceptually LISP is such an appealing yet so intimidating concept I am always too afraid to go at it as a result. I goota though since it will make me a better person no doubt.
Hi there,

When it comes to functional programming paradigm does the language choice matter much in your opinion?

Briefly, in 'couple' sentences or just naming a few in a list, what are  the main benefits of functional paradigm over the others?

Many thanks, lately I have been thinking about all the available paradigm  choices, so far struggling to make sense of it and would appreciate your expert input.
Hi Alex enjoy your stay at the ranch!
We never stick to the script. It feels like all we ever do is simply report the progress / status. I knew there must be more to this, wonder what effect it would have when we were doing it 'the right way'. Much appreciate your input.
I agree: open & honest communication, as with everything else in this world! Thank you for your input.
We are always discussing going into details discussing the tasks during scrums.

Does going into a lot of detail serve any purpose do you think?

We rarely stick to the script and prefer to elaborate on the tasks we done and are planning to do.

Scrum, the (in)famous scrum.

It feels like our daily scrums serve only one purpose: holding us accountable for the time. While I understand this is needed, personally I would love to benefit from the scrum meetings - I am sure that's was the original idea, otherwise it just seems unnecessary. Lately we have been having an additional afternoon meeting, solely for the purpose of discussing our daily progress.

How would you go about gently steering the scrum master, a person who does not have any sort of appreciation of the intricacies of the scrum process, towards getting more info on guiding the meetings and the process in general?

Perhaps you are aware of a specific approach towards inexperienced scrum masters? When it comes to these things I tend to have quite a direct approach, which rarely serves me well.


This actually encourages me more to  start working through the book and fill in the blanks as I go along with the help of other online resources. Perhaps not the most obvious way to go about learning a subject but I'm confident having solid foundation in the theoretical concepts I should be able to fill in the voids quite handy. Thanks!
3 years ago

I am transitioning into the devops role at my workplace (can't wait) and I know for a fact I will be dealing with kubernetes etc.

In principle I know what it's purpose is and the role it plays in the technological stack, just that I never had much (or anything) to do with it so far.

So my question is will a kubernetes-greenhorn such as myself benefit from the lecture?


3 years ago