I don't know if front end framework recommendations are very useful without first laying out what your priorities are (even then it's hard to get non subjective answers). Since we're discussing hiring I'm assuming the OP isn't the actual lead dev.
So if "faster for development" is the only criteria, I would say you
don't choose a framework at all! You should just ask the developer(s) what they already know or prefer. (And hopefully they agree, otherwise let the lead be the final decider since they're the most accountable.) That said there might be situations where you want to veto the decision, if they want to try something "new and innovative" which is way out there and clearly risky. But this is unlikely if they know the sword is going to fall on them first for making a wild decision.
If it's something they already know and like, obviously they'd be quick at using that. If they're wanting to try something new, they're probably still going to be more efficient than had they been forced to use something they don't want to use, because they'll be far more motivated to learn and succeed at the new thing they chose. Not to mention, their reputation is on the hook if
they were the ones who selected this thing and it fails.
That concludes my own reply to the OP but I couldn't help but write an addendum section:
https://svelte.dev <-This is what I've been hearing about lately. It's supposed to be faster than both of those. Finding developers who know it already would be harder obviously, but IMO an experienced developer should be able to pick up a new JS framework fairly quickly. The front end ones should be used to doing this every other month anyway.
Also I'm disappointed that nobody ever seems to mention
https://vaadin.com . They appear to have a very efficient workflow going for them and the fact that you're doing most of your UI coding in
Java is great when the same developers are also supporting a Java backend. I assume it's because most web developers are hipster types addicted to always using something "new" (which usually isn't really especially new) and would never prefer a mature, stable language like Java, just because it's old.