Indrayani Bhoir

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since Dec 02, 2002
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Recent posts by Indrayani Bhoir

If we have document that contains attachments , is it possible to
search with in document attachments using Google Search Appliance API?

For Example

We have a Word document in which other word document/excel sheet is
attached as the embedded object. Or an Outlook Message with document attached in it.

Suppose we have word document with an excel sheet attached; when GSA
perform a search in this word document for some keyword. Will it also
search for keyword in attached document?

If yes, is there any way to configure GSA to search in document attachments or not?


Thanks is really helpful
14 years ago
Hi All,

I am trying to run a struts JSR 168 portlet blank using RAD 7.5 and Websphere 6.1.

1. When i publish and run struts blank application i am getting struts portlet disable error on portal page. and Runtime Exception while executing new struts JSR portlet using EJPYE0006E: There was an error executing the command. on server console.

2. I also tried to create new struts portlet using RAD7.5. But i am facing problem while creating struts action in web diagram.

Steps:create a struts portlet project-> open web diagram->create a global action-> create a local forward to struts action.

when i try to create local forward to struts action and name it. it revert back to default action. also no java class is getting generated for same.

Please guide me what changes should be done for resolving the above issue.

thanks in advance,


15 years ago

Does this book contain details about how to develop an Ajax based application using struts 2.0 and Using Advantages and disadvantages using in-build dojo and external dojo/other Ajax plug-ins?


15 years ago
Hi All,

i am working on web application deployed on Tomcat 5.0. i have jsp page in which link for excel sheet is there.
<a href="Chain.xls">Chain</a>

when i click on this link ..bin junk data is displayed in browser in place of excel sheet data. If we open html page containing same link direactly it works fine. but after deploying it as webapplication it not working.


16 years ago
Hi All,

I wanted know that does this book provide any Guidelines/ comparisons about pros and cons of different persistence frameworks; some practical examples which will explain which framework is more suitable for particular design.



may be seprating your lable and textfield will help you

<td><s:text name="text1" value="Enter your name" cssStyle="labelStyle"></s:text></td>
<td><s:textfield cssStyle="textStyle" name="userBean.userName"></s:textfield></td>
16 years ago
You can use <s:text name="" cssStyle="width:125px;"></s:text> tag to display your label and add required css style in cssStyle attribute.
16 years ago

you need to format your date using SimpleDateFormat in your action class before setting value.


16 years ago

I have just started learning spring framework. I am facing problem while integrating springframework plug-in for RAD 6.0. I have installed springide_updatesite_1.2.5. Can anybody help what steps need to perform for developing simple spring application using RAD 6.0, or how to create a spring application project in using RAD.



thanks a lot, the validator is really very helpful. As for images not getting displayed the problem was the way the image path specified in code. After changing '\' with '/' the iamge path, it was working fine.

thanks again.


I am working on J2EE application which deployed on windows OS and we are using IE as browser.
I want to Use same application on Linux OS and Mozilla Browser But few pages of my application are not working properly in Mozilla Browser. I am facing problems like images are not getting displayed, JavaScript functions are working properly, page caching etc.

If somebody can guide me about Mozilla Browser settings which we will sort these problems
Or some alternative browser for Linux OS which supports JavaScript



You can validate and modify your DD using Weblogic Builder. May be this will solve your problem. you can also deploy your entity bean using same.


Hi friends,

i want to check which application are running on windows machine using java.

is it possbile check windows properties using java?

kindly reply


18 years ago
i have created a Java application to select a directory using Java class "JFileChooser". but i am facing few problem like:
It allows us to do so but only through the mouse.On pressing "Enter" on the directory it does not display it's sub directories. Also on pressing tab it does not automatically highlight a directory. Only on pressing UP & DOWN Arrow keys the focus is visible. Kindly provide a suitable solution to this or if there is any other component in Java which enables us to select a directory through the mouse and the keyboard then please give details for the same.
20 years ago