Matt Dyer

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since Dec 15, 2002
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I did the 1.2 exam because I had been studying for it for a while, I had the books and I didn't want to disrupt what I was doing and start for the 1.4 I think if i did it again I would do the 1.4 exam.
Some advice:
Do every mock exam you can find on the internet. I spent very little time actually memorizing facts. I read a lot and tried to understand it and then related it to the questions. Didn't need to know order of arithmetic operations or complicated casting rules. Just basic knowledge of what can be casted.
There were more questions on IO than I anticipated. About 7 i think. My weakest area was AWT. There is so much to do with AWT and there are so few questions that i don't think it is worth concentrating too much on it. Most people are probably doing the 1.4 exam now anyway.
I don't think you should pay for mock exams / questions or anything except a couple of text books and the exam itself. There is enough really good free material on the web to keep you going.
Good luck
21 years ago