Paul Giancola

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since Dec 16, 2002
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Here is the form entries in my struts-config.xml and the code from my action where I attempt to put the objects in the form.
<form-property name="projects" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>
<form-property name="issues" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>
public class WelcomeAction extends Action
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException,
SQLException, NamingException
//Getting user ID
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
PersonView user = new PersonView();
user = (PersonView) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY);
String userId = user.getPersonUserName();

//Retrieving projects
ArrayList projects = new ArrayList();
projects = ProjectsDB.projects(userId);
((DynaActionForm)form).set("projects", projects);

//Retrieving issues
ArrayList issues = new ArrayList();
issues = IssuesDB.issues(userId);
((DynaActionForm)form).set("issues", issues);

//Forwarding to the appropriate page
return (mapping.findForward(Constants.SUCCESS_KEY));
21 years ago
Hello all,
I'm having an issues using Struts 1.1. b3 on Tomcat 4.1.18.
I have an arraylist I'm placing in a DynaActionForm in one of my action classes. When I do so I get a
error when placing the object in the DynaFrom.
I'm new to struts, any help would be appreciated.
21 years ago
I've confirmed that my web.xml has the correct configuration for the action servlet.
The log shows the below
Processing a POST for /logon
action: Setting locale 'en_US'
action: Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute 'LogonForm'
action: Creating new ActionForm instance of class ''
action: Storing instance under attribute 'LogonForm' in scope 'request'
action: Populating bean properties from this request
action: Validating input form properties
action: No errors detected, accepting input
action: Looking for Action instance for class
action: Double checking for Action instance already there
action: Creating new Action instance
And that is it. Is this what I should be seeing?
21 years ago
I'm glad you brought the above up. Unfortunately, I've confirmed the *.properies file is there and I've also looked at the source of the logon form. The action places it to
I don't think I've missed anything,have I?
21 years ago
Hello all,
I'm new to struts and am seeing something weird. I have an application which requires logon. I have set up LogonForm & LogonAction classes to handle this and have configured them in stuts-config.xml as needed.
Now the weird part, when I logon the browser goes to a page. Why would this be? Any help would be appreciated.
21 years ago
This is strange to me. I have a new JSP project with images that reside in an 'images' folder within the WEB-INF folder. Although the path to the images is correct (i.e., src="/images/companyLogo.jpg") none of the images display. Does anyone have any ideas about this?
21 years ago