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Mary Shell

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since Jan 15, 2003
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Recent posts by Mary Shell

Check the 'Start in' property on the shortcut, it should reflect the location of the jar.

Nothing happens when the field is empty.

Does it execute when you double click on it from the directory?
8 years ago
Since it runs from the command line where you type out the path for the java.exe. Check the path variable on the persons pc. It needs to have the java directory ('c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\')in it.

Then the command line will work with:

java -jar app.jar

You might also check the file type association for .jar extensions

Also, if they are clicking on an icon to run the jar, check the 'Start in' property in the shortcut.
8 years ago
So simple, yet so elusive!
Thanks so much.
It solved some angst for my customer.
11 years ago
It helps if you have the correct version of the ojdbc14.jar to match your oracle.

Oracle XE (client and server), OJDBC14.jar, jre 6, jdk 1.4, winxp

Connecting with OCI.
When the application tries to execute on a call to a stored procedure(function), we get a FATAL ERROR:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x61d37460, pid=4028, tid=3784
# JRE version: 6.0_16-b01
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.2-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [OraClient10.Dll+0x117460]
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

I have tried the classes12.jar.
Is it the JRE 6?

I appreciate any help.


FYI, I switched out the I had downloaded from oracle (8i for 9i) with the one we had been using from 2001? and low and behold -> IT WORKED! It took us longer to get the test machines and set it up than to actually solve the issue. Just goes to show newer isn't always better.

Thanks for the help.

Sorry, just realized you asked about using the thin driver. The decision to go OCI was made years ago. Our customer has to be able to switch between databases and open many sessions. Oracle recommends OCI over Thin in that case.
I may have to upgrade to the ojdbc14.jar over classes12. Again that will have to wait until I can recreate my customer's situation, which I hope will be soon.

Thanks again,

I double-checked my connection string and it is:
jdbc:oracle:oci8:@<tns alias>

All, the other sql statements work like resultsets,etc. Just the callablestatement is the only thing that isn't. Someone on another forum suggested the 'library' is missing something. I'm having to set up boxes to test this situation.

Thanks for your help. It's good to know that it should work.

Are you using the classes12 or the other library?

Thanks again.
I tried the statement as "begin ? := rts_utility.getConfigValue(?); end;"

and I still got the same error. This statement was working with the 8i driver/8i database combo. It isn't working with the 8i driver/9i database. I have no choice in the driver/database setup as this is happening at a customer site.

Thank you for your quick response.

I am making a function call to an oracle package/function that is returning a value. I am getting at the execute statement an UnsatisfiedLinkError on oracle.jdbc.oci8.OCIDBAccess.copy_value_from_binds(Native Method). I am using an 8i driver for Oracle 9i and have retreived the latest classes12 from Oracle (8i for 9i). getConfigValue just returns a string.

My Code:
public String getSystemConfigInfo(String pConfigName){
String sTmp = "";
String sql = "{? = call rts_utility.getConfigValue(?)}";

CallableStatement st = getConnection().prepareCall(sql);

st.setString(2, pConfigName);
st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
sTmp = st.getString(1);
catch(Exception ex){
//bury the error... just return ""
sTmp = "";
return sTmp;

Any assistance will be much appreciated.

Thank you,
Try running it from the command prompt:
java -jar myjar.jar

It will actually show you the error it is having. Most likely it can't
find Main.
18 years ago
I was able to search by my number which found two threads where I posted. My post count is 5, now 6 with this post, but I only found 3 (now 4) actual posts.
Thank you
21 years ago
I would like to know too. But my posts were in the last six months. And I didn't change my name.
21 years ago
Just what I needed!
Thanks to both of you.
21 years ago
Thanks for the help. Just what I needed too.
21 years ago