Adeeshwar Singhal

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since Oct 18, 2000
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Recent posts by Adeeshwar Singhal

Hi All,
I am having the problem with xml dso though I have version 5 of Internet Explorer. Do we need to download the corresponding class and register it.
Thank You.
I am having a problem in communicating between Weblogic 5.1 and Weblogic 4.5. I think this is due to the change in protocol. Does anyone have any idea of way out.
Thanks in advance,
22 years ago
Thank you all.
22 years ago
Scored 96% in SCJP. Took it on friday??
Thank you Java Ranch. Thank u all.
22 years ago
As per Khalid Mughall Inner classes and ofcourse Anonymous classes can not have any accessibility modifier. I have also tested this fact.
Hope this helps...
Experience tells you what to do; confidence allows you to do it.
Gr8 quesion.......

What I think here is that it has nothing to do with memory allocation of final variables before normal variables.

As static variables have to be initialized at load time. All variables are first initialized to their default values and then the initialization takes place acc. to the sequence of declaration. However, in case of final variables initialization is done with the value supplied rather than default value. As it can only be initialized once.

What do u mean by instance initializer Mohit......???
Are Instance variables initialized three times: ???
1) At the time of creation, they are initialized to default values.
2) Any explicit initialization.
3) Initialization inside the constructor.

[This message has been edited by Adeeshwar Singhal (edited December 04, 2000).]
Thanks for such a wonderful explanation of operator precedence Jorma.
I understood ur explanation very well. But I couldn't get exactly why did it print CAFEBABE. Does this toHexString() do all the magic or there is something else.......
Have some CAFE JORMA.
That was really good one....... Could u also throw some light on it by dissecting it a bit.
Hope to hear from u soon......
( Try the one on Overriding with subject as Tricy One...........)
Even I agree with u JaiPei that we r unable to get the right answer.
I think that answer should have been true. But as u said it is false, we need to wait till an expert comes with his conclusion.
( Anybody interested in Question on Overriding, click on the Tricky one..........again by me. )
Get a Brigade Ranchians, Ranch has caught fire.................
Guess the ans............

System.out.println(5+4+3*2+" equals "+5+4+3*2);
scroll down to see the ans.......

15 equals 546
It is just for information... If anybody needs explanation, come and burn it with fire.............
Anyone interested in Overriding question see the Tricky one............. by me again.......
It is chilling cold out here, Start burning ur wood ranchians.....
[This message has been edited by Adeeshwar Singhal (edited November 30, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Adeeshwar Singhal (edited November 30, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by Adeeshwar Singhal (edited November 30, 2000).]
U R perfectly right Aniruddha.
Now what I want to confirm is that Derived class String 's' has been created and initialized to null before invoking any of the constructors(to be specific Base Constructor as it has to be called first). The instance variable String 's' is initialized to 'in Derived' in between the constructor calls of Base and Derived. Once again I reiterate that the variable 's' of Derived class has been created and initialized as null before a call to Base constructor. This is just my hypothesis Aniruddha. I would like to hear ur view on this.....
Actually there is a chance that it could be a bug in Java. U can try this url and find out:
Hey guys call the brigade, Ranch is burning.................

First of all, THANK YOU very much for such a nice explanation Aniruddha.
But I think I still have a doubt, or perhaps I couldn't communicate that doubt properly. I would like to ask u one thing here that which lookup() do u think is invoked inside the Base constructor. If ur answer is of the 'Derived' one, then my next question is which String 's' do u think is being accesed in that look up(). Is it the Derived one or the Base one.
Ranch is burning, enjoy the flames.............
First of all I would clarify that my reasoning of this problem is just my hypothesis. I would request u to correct me if I am wrong.
Now to the Sathvathsan's doubt. See what u r talking about is absolutely correct, but the question of accessing variables does not arise at all. Here the method is invoked and it would access the variable of the object invoking it. ( No Direct access is made to the variable. u can check this by initializing val to some value. It would still print 0. I can send u the modified code if u want to.. )
Now my doubt in this problem is that whether JVM creates and initializes the variable first to 0, and then with the explicit initialization and after that it comes to constructor.