Tony Warren

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since Jan 23, 2003
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Well, I discovered that while I WAS using awt.applet (a good thing for IE) the code I had started from used the deprecated handleEvent(event) method. Since my head hurt from beating it against the other problem, I spent a few minutes updating it to use processEvent(AWTEvent) and a standard ActionListener. Afterwards the same code worked just fine, creating a new window for the showDocument(url, "target") method, just like it was supposed to. Who'd a guessed?
Thanks anyone who read & actually thought about my problem. It looks like I got lucky this time...
21 years ago
I have a similar problem, but while I'm not trying to show a local (c url, none of the String parameters of ShowDocument(url,string) enable me to generate a new (2nd) browser window.
I'm running an applet, and have no problem displaying the url, but no matter what variation of
I use, I get the new url displayed in the top frame of my applet, removing the original information. This is NOT what I want.
Here is my button listener:
void buttonGetUrl_Clicked(Event event)
getUrlName=new URL(textFieldUrl.getText());
(getUrlName, "_new");
catch(Exception e)
label2.setText("Unable to open Url : "
label2.setBounds(new Rectangle(9,67,313,15));
I'd appreciate any ideas. I'm using java 1.3.1 (not fixed in stone, but what's installed on my machine) and attempting to do this without swing, but might change if necessary...
21 years ago