Randall Twede

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 21, 2000
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Recent posts by Randall Twede

do radio stations really use MP3?
4 years ago
like Paul, i'm retired now. last java i used was 7. if i started again right now it would be 8
4 years ago
well i've been to hawaii, similar climate. we have hurricanes here in texas so no biggie. its a no-brainer for me. apartment in san juan or tent in austin.
4 years ago
well im half fluent in spanish. i have good books and am working on it. from what i heard only 5% speak english.
im too old for hot Latinas
4 years ago
i don't follow you campbell
4 years ago
its gonna be an adventure for sure. first thing i have to do is get an apartment and furnish it probably. i 'm pretty sure i will like the food there.
4 years ago
well, its just a local radio station
4 years ago
true,, but you can also write in scala so its basically java as well.
4 years ago
im going there for next winter and most likely to stay. would be nice if i knew someone there who habla engleis.
4 years ago
a radio station i listen to says they have 10 TB of music. how many songs do you think that is? i have no clue.
4 years ago
it shouldn't be a problem. you can pass almost anything.
6 years ago
Cobol was the worst programming language in my opinion.
6 years ago
i don't get it
6 years ago
it reminds me of this last winter. my tent looked like that for a while. totally covered in ice.
6 years ago