I use a bean, so this may be different from what you are looking for but maybe it will help. I have an inner class in my bean which takes a string, and then has a Delete FROM XyourtableX WHERE XnameofvalueqeuriedX = "?". the XyourtableX should be the name of your table, and the XnameofvaluequeriedX should be the value you are using to find the enrty to delete. I use the primary key, as there can only be one and you will not delete multiple entries that way.
The JSP which processes the removal of the checked items should retrieve the values of the checked boxes, probably by using request.getParameter(), where you have some variable equal it and name that whatever you want to pass to the bean.
BTW, there was a great example of what you are trying to do with Begenning JSP Web Services Programming by Wrox. They have an example like what you are trying to do. I think you can download the sample code from their website.