Steve Watson

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since Apr 08, 2003
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Recent posts by Steve Watson

I have a form on a JSP that sometimes takes a few seconds to save data to the database. If the user clicks the button a second time bad things can happen. How can I disable the button after it is first clicked until the form action is complete?

Code snippet:

The compiled code needs to be compatible with a special JSP compiler that the ERP app uses to compile the JSPs (unlike most J2EE apps, it requires jsps to be compiled before deployment). The JSP compiler must use a version of jdk1.3, in my case jdk1.3.1_20.

With the code:

<javac executable="old_java" fork="yes" ...

how do I point to a particular jdk?

16 years ago
I need ant to copile using an older compiler than I usually use (jdk1.3.1_20). How can I instruct the ant target to use that compiler?
16 years ago
I am working on a web site and have run into a strange iframe problem. The src parameter on the iframe is a Java servlet which, based on parameters passed on the URL makes decisions and redirects to the appropriate web page. This works most of the time. Sometimes a 500 error is thrown based on a NullPointer Exception when the page is trying to read parameters from the session. This happens on IE on some machines sometimes and sometimes on Safari on the Mac. The same URL call (as the src parameter in the iframe) always works on all browsers/operating systems. Not a problem of old browswers - only been testing recent browsers that support iframes.

Any ideas?

Steve Watson
Does anyone have any input on my origional question of how to use Post method in an HTML frame? Is it immpossible?
It is coming from another web page - thinking of it, I could hide some of the sensitive data in session variables.
Comming from a web form. Customers are filling in the form and my client wants to protect that information.
POST is preferred for security reasons. Sensitive data is being sent as parameters on the HTTP request. SSL will be used which would encript the POST data, but not the query string for a GET request.
I want to call the content of a frame in a frameset with a POST method passing some parameters. If my customer would allow GET method, my frameset might look something like this:

<frameset cols="25%,75%">
<frame src="titleFrame.jsp">
<frame src="contentFrame.jsp?code=someCode">

For that 2nd frame, is there a way to call with a POST method passing the parameter?
I have a selectOneMenu input with several selectItem tags in it. The first selectItem, the default just displays "Please Select". I want to validate that one of the other values is selected - i.e. not this first one. How can I do that? Code example follows:

<h:selectOneMenu binding="#{}"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Please Select" itemValue="please_select"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="United States" itemValue="united_states"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Canada" itemValue="canada"
16 years ago
I am trying to dynamically construct a URL query string but when ever I try to add a & with a statement like:


it fails.

Is there anyway to do this?
Sorry, I left out last and, should be:

I am trying to insert data with the following:

and I get an Oracle invalid identifier error.
I am trying to pass a bean property value to a JavaScript function through an onclick event handler. The following code works fine (of course on click without a space) with a hard coded value of 1 passed to the function:

But how do I pass the bean parameter which I can get from:

Thanks any help.

[ January 14, 2006: Message edited by: Steve Watson ]
[ January 14, 2006: Message edited by: Steve Watson ]
18 years ago