Nakul Kasadwala

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since Oct 30, 2000
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Recent posts by Nakul Kasadwala

Hello Everybody,
I want your help.
I want to appear for this exam . I am SCJP.
Can any one provide me with the link from where i can get
(1) portion this exam covers
(2) Name of Good Books for this exam
(3) Link for sample question & practise exam
Thanks in Advance .
Hi Carl Trusiak,
Thanks for your both replies ..
Now i comes to know who can help me ..
22 years ago
I got one situation ..
My one JSP (say example1.jsp) is on server1
& another jsp(say example2.jsp) is on server 2
I want to include output of example1.jsp (server1) into example2.jsp ...
I try to use include but it allows only relativeURI ...
Any one know how to do it ???
22 years ago
Hi All Brilliant guys & Girls,
I am asking something funny ..
But it is urgent. ..
My requirement is following ..
I got 2 java software ...
Which has same package hierarchy ..
but different implementation ..
So I can use one thing at a time in one JVM
But i want to use both in One JVM
Is there any way to do it ???
22 years ago
U can do it via running different process
U can use following command
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
for this u should know command to open MS OFFICE from command prompt
22 years ago
Hello Everybody,
I am not able to differentiate b/w these 3 terms. Any one can please provide me with good link and example (preferably Java) and some explaination.
Thanks in advance
Hi Vishal
If u are implementing Financial application , you can go for EJB. Reason is that EJB server provides many serices which will be helpful in Financial application.for e.g. Transaction Support
23 years ago
Hi Vishal
If u are implementinf Financial application , you can go for EJB. Reason is that EJB server provides many serices which will be helpful in Financial application.for e.g. Transaction Support
23 years ago
Hi Senthil
When i want to run multiple JVM through programe, I can use Object Activation. Another use is that you don't want that your server keep on running when there is no client.
On above 2 cases we can use Object Activation. If any one knows other uses of Object Activation , please mail me.
links for example : (RMI Example)
Hope this will be useful
23 years ago
RMI is supporting activation framework also. So we can use it for more advance purpose also.
for e.g. Running multiple JVM on one machine through programme.
23 years ago
I also found the same thing.
23 years ago
Hi Sachin
According to me CORBA is specification and not technology.
This specification is implemented by many vendors.
[This message has been edited by Nakul Kasadwala (edited July 23, 2001).]
23 years ago
Does it always refer to 'remote' objects, or is it also used to connect objects on a single workstation?
yes . CORBA can also be used to connect objects on a single workstation. But any body should prefer it if 2 objects are written in different languages and both languages are supported by CORBA.
How is it similar to .NET and COM?
(1) COM is technology/specification of Microsoft
CORBA is specification made by group of more then 700 companies known as OMG (Object Management Group).
(2) COM and DCOM only works on Windows.
CORBA works on many platforms.
(3) COM/ DCOM is implemented by Microsoft
For CORBA u will get many vendors.
(4) COM/DCOM supports language available with Visual Studio.(ignoring .NET)
DCOM supports many languages (c,C++,java,COBOL,...2/3 more)

(5) COM/DCOM generates dll where CORBA relies on Stub and skeletons.
(6) CORBA can work across networks and across OS but not COM/DCOM.
(7) COM/DCOM generates unique GUID. Where as CORBA relies on registry/serialized objects.
(8) CORBA uses it language known as IDL. and there is mapping from IDL to languages, supported by CORBA.
(9) If u want to know in more detail visit following links.
Good links on this subject:
I hope this much should clear basic difference between 2 competitive technologies.
23 years ago
Can anyone please tell me how can i start multple JVM on same Machine?? If any one can provide me with links or code that will be a great help.
23 years ago
Hi guys,
One question. RMI server supports multi Threading on it's own or we have to implement Thread Pool on server side?
In Servlet for every request thread is created . same is for RMI Server ???
Waiting for ur replies.
23 years ago