joerg joerg

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since Apr 12, 2003
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Hi Werner,
using threads to identify connections will not work.
The java documentation says, that there is no reliable
relationship between threads and connections.
And you can easily test it for yourself: Just write
some small multithreaded client- and server-program,
and you will see, that different threads occur on the
same connection.
Hi David Mullen,
i think, using the thread as a client identifier
is a really bad idea.
The java documentation says, that you cannot identify RMI
connections by the thread, and you can verify it yourself
by a little bit of testing:
Just create some small client/server program
which has multiple threads on the server- and client-
sides. Then you can see, that more than one thread will
occur per connection.
(BTW: I am one of the people who changed the method signature,
and passed the exam with a fair grade. So you could guess
what i would recommend)
Regards Joerg
Hi Javini Javono,
in my assignments there was a sentence about
"realistically imperfect specifications".
In my justification i cited this sentence and
made the assumption that the method signatures
might be "imperfect".
Hi Werner,
i have made the SCJD exam half a year ago. I had the "Fly By Night" assignment, but there the problem was similar: I had to lock/unlock
DB records for a client, and i had to control which client attempts
an unlock, but there was no reliable way to find out, from which
client the unlock-request originates from, and the required method
signature didn't allow to include some client identifier.
My solution was to change the method signature to include a session-id
that will identify the calling client. I justified this decision
in my "design condiderations" document, and also wrote a lot on
what other solutions i condsidered, and why they were not suitable.
I passed with an overall grade of 87%, for the server part (which
includes the locking mechanism), i got full 100%. So, if you justify
your approach very well, it should be no problem at all.
There was some discussion about that at this time on this board: Some
other people have done it similar, and all they have passed the exam.
Good Luck
the SCJD exam is very different from the SCJP exam.
SCJP is a mere multiple choice test, where you have to memorize lots of API ans language spec details. Some of these details are rather unneccessary to know at that level of detail, because in practice, you would rather look up at the API doc than memorize it.
SCJD requires you to do real development work: Design, programming, problem solving, documenting, testing. It lets you take as much time for it as you like, so there is no real pressure.
If you are a bit experienced in programming applications, just do it! If there is something in the assignment, that you haven't done yet, you still have the oportunity to learn it, when needed.