Hi Werner,
i have made the SCJD exam half a year ago. I had the "Fly By Night" assignment, but there the problem was similar: I had to lock/unlock
DB records for a client, and i had to control which client attempts
an unlock, but there was no reliable way to find out, from which
client the unlock-request originates from, and the required method
signature didn't allow to include some client identifier.
My solution was to change the method signature to include a session-id
that will identify the calling client. I justified this decision
in my "design condiderations" document, and also wrote a lot on
what other solutions i condsidered, and why they were not suitable.
I passed with an overall grade of 87%, for the server part (which
includes the locking mechanism), i got full 100%. So, if you justify
your approach very well, it should be no problem at all.
There was some discussion about that at this time on this board: Some
other people have done it similar, and all they have passed the exam.
Good Luck