Giselle Dazzi

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since Apr 20, 2003
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Recent posts by Giselle Dazzi

Oops ! I swear it wasnt there !
Hi authors,

I visited looking for the book's TOC and couldnt find. Have I overlooked ?

Hi somkiat, I saw that at Amazon's too, but still does not answer my question...
20 years ago
Hi authors,

I read at Amazon�s that your book:

It includes new sections on metadata and other J2SE 5.0 enhancements along with complete coverage of ...

Does that mean the book is all updated for Java 1.5 or it "touches" new features ?

20 years ago
For a long time we have heard that free software and open source projects werent good for large corporations due to the problem of lack of support. I have a feeling ( just a feeling ) that in the Java world large corporations are using free software more often.
Do you feel that too?
Do you know of any statistics?
Is lack of support really an issue ?
Excuse my ignorance, havent heard of Posiden... .What�s is it about ?
Hey all,
Could you name the most important benefits of using Struts instead of just going with plain JSP ?
( Just trying to evaluate, what size/caracteristics of projects make it worth it to train my programmers in Struts. )

[ November 04, 2004: Message edited by: Giselle Dazzi ]
20 years ago
I havent used JasperReports, but used Cocoon in a quite large application.
I really liked it, even though it caused me some problems. The main one was the learning curve. Cocoon/Xml/Xsl is not exactly trivial, so in the end, I had one programmer that dedicated himself to Cocoon only and the others were working with the Ejb part. I couldnt move people around when Cocoon was involved. Java folks didnt feel comfortable. Other projects here that went with Struts didnt have this problem...
Yeah, I had read that too, but still hadnt helped much...
20 years ago
Thanks Erin, I'll look further into it. I've been using BEA Weblogic and I do like it but I'm about to start a new project and will have a chance to choose a different server if I feel it's appropriate.
Are there any dependencies on having the Oracle App server and having Oracle database ? Hope not...
20 years ago
Sounds great ! and useful.
Does Oracle 10 App server supply all functionalities, as far as J2EE goes, as Weblogic and Websphere do ?
20 years ago
Hi all,

Since a JSP application is pure 2 tiers application, are there any Opes Source Projects that will help me build a JSP 3 tiers ?
I understand Struts wont help me with that, correct ? Since it will not separed business layer.
Do I really need to go for EJB ? My application will not be large, I wanted to go for 3 tiers but I'm afraid EJB will be too much...

Any ideas ?
