Joe Broderick

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since Apr 23, 2003
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did you use the whole path? something like /webapps/text/404.html? but the path should be specific to your directory structure.
20 years ago
Chances are IIs is using port 8080, and not allowing Tomcat to use it. The easiest way is to get IIs to stop running. Or you can change the port that Tomcat uses to something besides 8080 or 80.
20 years ago
I have not run IIs as a web server, so I do not know that much about it. Is tomcat giving you the error, or is IIs giving you the error? I know with Apache, there is a way to set it up as a proxy to send any 8080 requests to Tomcat, but I am not sure how to do it with IIs. Look in the config files to see if you see anything with proxies. Also, try shutting down IIs and then start Tomcat. That might be a good way of testing.
20 years ago
A few things to look at. First, do you have the web.xml file in the directory of myJSPapp? You need that file and the class folder to have JSP's run. Second, did you start tomcat after making any changes? Often, if you start Tomcat, work on your code, and then run your code, you get errors. Tomcat should be restarted if you are making any changes to beans.
If the two above reasons are not the problem, perhaps it is in the code. If you show us your code, I would be willing to help you find errors.
20 years ago
did you start tomcat? is tomcat working properly?
20 years ago
i would go to a local bookstore and find a book on tomcat so you can set up some basic security. there is a web.xml file and a server.xml file which you can change entries to make your website password protected (change the default passwords). you can also change the port tomcat listens to, so hackers can not just guess port 8080. the other thing i would do is get a firewall set up. and secure any sharing on your pc (close port 445 if you have windows 2000). those are a few things i would look into. but if someone already got in your pc, chances are they have a backdoor set up.
20 years ago
what program are you using to generate the repost. is this report being displayed on a jsp page? what i do under these circumstances is try and filter everything out but the text, and then do minimual formatting so it prints out in blocks. if you give me a bit more information, i will try and offer better suggestions.
20 years ago
if you have an internet connection of any kind, you are already on the web! if you have windows 2000 or xp, open a command window (start... run... "commmand"), and type "ipconfig". this will tell you what your ip address is. to test it, start tomcat, then type in http://yourIpAddress:8080/yourJsp, and you can see what the rest of the world will get.
20 years ago
what kind of pc and how much memory do you have? i have never seen this error, and i do most of my coding on a pII266 with 64 megs, although i just added a litte more ram to 96 megs.
20 years ago
this sounds like a big task to do? you will have to start with having some dicrionary, such as a bunch of words in a database. you may want to have the table set up so that feild 1 has the first word in english, then another language and so on. you would then have to search what the user entered to see if the word is in the database, and if it is, to change it with the equivelent word. this probably is a very big task to do because if you want to get it done right you will have to select words based on the context of how it is presented.
20 years ago
Thanks Dan and Ryan.
Have you have noticed a differance in pay based on the certificate? For example, would a person with a B.A. and 5 years experiance get less than the same qualifications with a certificate?
I think I will go for the certificate anyways, as I should do something productive while unemployed. Or maybe it is time to go and get a MA, although everyone I know with advanced degrees did not make more money than someone who had extra experiance working while the other was in a graduate program.
I went to the bookstore and they had multiple Java test guides. What is the basic certification in Java from Sun, and what is it worth in the market? Do employers need the certificate, or will they be satisfied with work experiance? I am back in the market now after a few years of work, and am trying to determine the best way to get the best pay offer.
Why not have your buisness logic in a bean? You could have one JSP page which has some parameters to limit the search, then you could pass those paramaters to a bean which would do the search, generating those limited results, and sending those results to a second JSP page in your drop down list. If the records are comming from a database, there are a bunch of SQL commands you can import.
20 years ago
I too am starting out in XML too and I am finding "Java & XML" by Oreilly very good. While it is an introductory book in XML, it is NOT an introduction to Java. Once you get to the Java code, it takes off. I have the second edition and the book is a good read for me. I would reccomend you check it out. I think they have the second chapter for free at Amazon. Well worth a look if you are confident with your Java.
20 years ago
You have to have your variable as a string, then you could parse it to an integer if you want.
20 years ago