Steve Holmes

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since Nov 01, 2000
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Recent posts by Steve Holmes

Hi Daryl,
I have a Sharp Zaurus and as you may know it is runs PersonalJava and is capable of running Personal Profile. I have ran HSQLDB on it but have never written my own apps for it but would like to using HSQLDB for persistence and possibly something like thinlet for the gui. Would your book assist me with this?
20 years ago
Hi Daryl,
I have a Sharp Zaurus and as you may know it is runs PersonalJava and is capable of running Personal Profile. I have ran HSQLDB on it but have never written my own apps for it but would like to using HSQLDB for persistence and possibly something like thinlet for the gui. Would your book assist me with this?
20 years ago
I would also be very interested but in my case I would like one for intellij IDEA. Currently I use Dreamweaver to quickly build forms and then IDEA to edit them. Does anyone have a better solutions than this?
One nice thing about J2ME is that it is extremely easy to build apps with and there is a number of excellent books. At least when you're talking about phones and Palm. When it comes to larger PDAs PersonalJava is still the King. CDC, the Foundation Profile and the CVM don't seem to be implemented on any devices yet.
21 years ago
I am going to be teaching a course in beginning Java and am evaluating books to use. So far I haven't found a 1.4 book adequate for students. Is Horton's book complete enough for this course and if not could someone recommend one that is?
22 years ago
My favorite IDE is Intellij Idea, but it seems like most J2ME tools are IDE specific. What kinds of tools are there for general IDEs?
22 years ago
To John Bateman,
The Bill of rights is the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and the right to bear arms was the second amendment and so you are right about it being in the bill of rights.
The right to bear arms is tied with our citizens being able to form militias, which were used against foreign governments and our own. Militias were also used by our government during both the revolutionary war and the Civil War (in both the Union and confederacy).
I agree that it's not about the right to carry hand guns, nor do we really have that right. But we can have rifles, handguns, shotguns, etc. at our home, and can even assemble in groups with all these weapons.
The main point I was making is that unlike many countries where people have nothing better than rocks and sticks to resist an oppressive force, the American people are much better armed. People like our pal Jake hate that us poor-dumb-ignorant-media-controlled-folks have a say in our government.
You've never been reluctant to express your opinions, you're just scared to support them.
Examples of your opinions:
1. The people on this group are ignorant
2. Americans are totally controlled by our slanted media
3. The terrorist attacks were caused by the unbalance in the world between the American oppressors and the oppressed from other countries.
3. Americans deserve the anti-American sentiment
4. You are wise and learned due to your extensive world traveling
5. I am narrow minded
6. The Wise (you) should not even try to explain your wisdom to narrow minded ignorant folk (me and apparently everyone else in the group and in America)
Here is the support for your opinions:
1. oops, nothing here
I have never heard the expression "politics for the masses" to be honest. It obviously bothers you that in America policies are made by the ignorant masses like me and not be the intellectual Aristocracy like yourself.
Karl Marx and natural law. I unfortunately had to read a fair amount of Marx. Most of his work comes from Hegel or were responses to Hegel's work. I don't think Marx was the great mind that Hegel was, but the fact that he was able to understand and comment on Hegel means he can't have been completely dumb. Anyone who had to read Hegel knows what I'm talking about. Anyone who hasn't but wants to, try drinking alot of beer first, it makes the whole experience a lot less painful.
22 years ago
Hey Jakey Snakey,
"If your opinion is based on what have you been feed by ABC and CNN news and US television in global then noone can educate you. You seem so arrogant, why would we even try?"
-You are obviously too afraid to try and back up any point you make on this board so I won't ask you to try. Actually I prefer internet news, and I try to get as much of my news from different sources as possible. I'll be the first to admit that CNN and ABC is slanted, or for that matter that all news agencies are slanted. Luckily in the US, we can chose any source we want if it is published on the internet.
"I won't go deeper into the whole subject because I am sure I will be flamed by large number of (ignorant) people here. There is a great anti-American sentiment throughout the world and that is for a valid reason."
You still don't have the backbone to support your argument. I never said that people on this list are stupid or ignorant, I imagine most are intelligent and well-informed, that is how we differ. My comment was directed at you and your pal Noam Chomsky.
You are clearly too afraid to stick your neck out here and attempt to support your ridiculous positions.
Just so as not to upset anyone with generalizations, I've known quite a few Europeans and none of them were egotistical cowards like our friend Jake.
22 years ago
So far I really haven't heard an intelligent well thought-out comment on this whole list. Allow me to make a few points:
1. The Taliban don't get rid of bin Laden because he is there base of power. He provides them with a fanatical strong arm that allows them to crush their opposition. Without him they might lose their superiority over their internal enemies.
2. They fought off the USSR before and they are hoping that they can raise enough of an army that it won't be worth it for us to move in there and dig them out of the holes in the mountains. They might even be delusional enough to believe they can fight us off. We have military advantages that the Soviet Union did not, so that will not be the case.
3. If we go in there and destroy large parts of Afgan and capture all the terrorists but leave the Taliban in power, they will have succeeded in their objective.
4. This is not a Muslim/non-muslim thing, it is a power thing.
5. They didn't kill 6500 innocent people because of Western Theology, don't be silly!
6. The inbalance of power in the world is not the fault of the U.S. Jake, you won't be flamed as a fault of "ignorant" people, the fault will be your own ignorance. If you are going to make a ridiculous claim, at least have the backbone to support it.
7. Noam, you are correct that our free democracy allows the media to manipulate us. The difference is in our free society, I have the freedom to find other sources of information, make my own decisions, and discuss them with others. In countries such as Iraq, China, Afgan, etc. A few people control the media, and then do not allow people to have other sources of information and they will kill them for discussing with others. In this country we have the freedom to get in large groups and talk about whatever we want. We also have the freedom to arm ourselves. We are actually compelled to change our leaders every few years. Your comparison between dictatorships and democracy is totally naive.
22 years ago
Wow this discussion really has gotten heated. I'd like to make a couple of points however, and perhaps people can respond.
1. I'd like to say that the U.S. has always had a pretty clear idea of whom our enemies are, The soviet Union, Nazi Germany, Emperial Japan, Communist China, etc. But at the same time we have always had the attitude of "the enemy of our enemy is our friend". Stalin used to be our ally and he was just as evil as Hitler. Mind you, this is not a critisism, we have to chose the greater of two evils sometimes, but it has gotten us in trouble. At various times we have allied with dictators in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia to name a few, now we are forming an alliance with a dictator in Pakistan. I'm just hoping this doesn't come back and bite us in the ass.
2. We are not going to beat terrorism without full cooperation from at least most other nations. That is why Bush gave an ultimatum. Other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and not least of all Canada and Mexico must police their own countries for terrorism otherwise they will get into our nation. This is not a U.S. problem only, many other countries deal with the same terrorists all the time, but do not have the resources to deal with it.
3. It's unrealistic to think that any of the people in the middle east can rise up against their oppressors like the U.S. did. We were able to beat the British because there was not the desparity of weapons, there is 3000 miles of water between us and them, and also because the French lowned us there Navy. Even still we were on the verge of total defeat many times. Untrained civilians with rocks cannot beat trained soldiers with automatic weapons and tanks.
22 years ago
I had access to Visual Cafe at my last job but I never became proficient enough to really evaluate it. That's actually one of the reasons I like IDEA. After one day I was way more productive with IDEA than I ever was with Vis Cafe, Forte, JBuilder, or JDeveloper. I've heard Visual Cafe has a pretty good Swing RAD, but since I've never had to do any swing (other than academically) that's not really any interest to me. I didn't really think the editor was all that hot.
Never used IBM Visual Age.
I had access to Visual Cafe at my last job but I never became proficient enough to really evaluate it. That's actually one of the reasons I like IDEA. After one day I was way more productive with IDEA than I ever was with Vis Cafe, Forte, JBuilder, or JDeveloper. I've heard Visual Cafe has a pretty good Swing RAD, but since I've never had to do any swing (other than academically) that's not really any interest to me. I didn't really think the editor was all that hot.
Never used IBM Visual Age.
It looks like my company is going to JBuilder Enterprise also. Don't get me wrong, JBuilder isn't bad, much better than JDeveloper or Forte', and the third party tools gives you much of the same functionality that IDEA gives you. But it's much clunkier and harder to use than IDEA. IDEA has the best code completion tools, usage tools and the import completion is awesome.
I've used JBuilder, JDeveloper, and Forte and for the most part I've found that all they do is hinder my ability to code. If you want to try the most full featured IDE I've ever seen for a fraction of the price of the others try IDEA. You can evaluate it for free.
This sounds like it would be a great book for my company in general and me specifically.