Originally posted by Rishabh Agarwal:
Myself taking the exam at NTUC Tanjong Pagar - 21st May 11:00 AM. Anybody joining me there around that time?
Originally posted by Cheng Wei Lee:
Just being curious here though
Originally posted by Bert Bates:
Just curious for those of you who think that 55% is too low a passing rate, what percentage of candidates do you think should pass the test?
Originally posted by Sylvia H Charbonneau:
Good Day !
I'm looking for some opinions. What is the most commonly used way to initialize and configure log4j under Tomcat ? The three means I have read about are :
a) a text properties file
b) an xml properties file
c) doing the aboe with a intialization servlet.
I'll be using log4j in some custom tags being accessed from JSP pages running on Tomcat.
I'm ordering some books on this topic, however, it would be great if I can get a jump start in this area while I'm waiting !
Thanks !
Originally posted by Lasse Koskela:
I believe Mike meant that you should download the source code for Struts and take a look at how the Struts team has solved the problem.
Originally posted by Nicholas Cheung:
Just an outsider question. It seems that there are lots of open projects, each of them has its own FileUpload, or even other similar modules, like logging, etc.
In fact, why they do so? They cannot just use the same module, or share their modules to each other? I feel it is too difficult to manage so much technologies that ususally share the same functions.
Originally posted by Chuan Ren:
I am searching for a open source enterprise search engine and no luck. Do you know any (preferably in java). Thank you.
Originally posted by sunitha raghu:
I have only used fileupload. One of the problem i faced is when the
enctype="multipart/form-data" ,all other input fields values except file can not be processed. Is there any workaround for that.
Originally posted by Giselle Dazzi:
Have any of you used Commons email ?
Im trying to send emails from my J2EE application, I was coding it all by hand now I was reading the forum, checked Jakarta commons web page and saw this email component. Is it useful ?