mohamed zafer

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Recent posts by mohamed zafer

Hi There,

Most of the portlet / portal usage I have seen is for corporate intranet applications. Is it a good idea to use portlets for a internet application. I want to provide some customization / personalization for my users, is it advisable to go for a portal software only for this reason. How is the general performance of a portal software under high volume, and other scenarios related to an internet application.

18 years ago
Thanks Everybody.

I am planning to implement the way Joel has suggested.
Hi There,

Please help me on how to create the tables for the below scenario and the Hibernate mapping.

I have the below properties that can take values Yes or No,

Married ..? Yes/No
Employed...? Yes/No
US Citizen ..? Yes/No

I have an object called "Person", So when ever a new Person is created, I have to get and store the values of the above properties for
that person. I cannot add them as columns to the Person table as there can be dozens of these and also can be dynamically added.
So for each person, we have to create new rows with all the above properties and store their values.
This may be simple, but I just don't get how to do this...

Any help will be appreciated.

Zafer mohamed
I am trying to create a html file using XML and XSL, following are the steps I do.

1. Parse and create a document object say D1, from the XML.
3. Create a Transformer with the XSL.
2. get a Child Node say CN, from the D1,
4. Invoke transform with the DOMSource created using the node CN.

The output I get is some unexpected xml. In the above steps ifI convert the node CN to a string and use streamsource instead of DOMSource, then I get the expected html output.

Any idea about this wierd behaviour

Hi There,

My html source looks like this

<select name="screen[2].question[0].answer" multiple>
<option value="01">A1</option>
<option value="02">A2</option>
<option value="03">A3</option>

The screen , question and answer are array objects, but the selected values do not get populated in the answer array object, and I get

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

I have the requisite getter setter methods. Any idea how to solve this

19 years ago
I am facing a similar problem

<nested:select multiple="true" property="answer">
<nested:nest property="options">
<nested:iterate property="option">
<option value='<nested:write property="property" />'><nested:write property="labelProperty" /></option><br>

The property "answer" is a string array, still i get the same error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch" on submitting

Any idea

19 years ago
Hi There,

1. How do I lookup an ejb that is behind a proxy server. where will I mention the proxy server ipaddress, userid, pwd, etc..

2. How can I configure a Message driven bean to connect to a queue that is behind a proxy server. Is there a way to mention the proxy details as part of the provider-url in the deployment descriptor.

The App server is weblogic.

Mohamed Zafer
I have a stateless session bean, with multiple methods and the transation type set as Container. Is it possible to bean manage the transaction for just one method, the other all being container managed. If so how do I set it in the deployment descriptors.

Mohamed Zafer
Hi There,

I want to insert into mutliple tables using batch update like this,

Statement stmt= dbCon.createStatement();
stmt.addBatch("SELECT ID_SEQ.nextval as AID from dual");
stmt.addBatch("INSERT INTO AID_N VALUES (<AID>, "1");
stmt.addBatch("INSERT INTO AID_B VALUES (<AID>, "43");
stmt.addBatch("INSERT INTO AID_C VALUES (<AID>, "2");

How can I use the value AID selected in the first query, in the subsequent queries [inplace of <AID>].

Mohamed Zafer
Hi There,
I have a Message driven bean deployed in the Weblogic 7.0 which subscribes to a topic from another Welbogic server. My deployment descriptor looks like this
IS there a way to have the <provider-url> configurable, I mean passing as a system property etc., instead of hardcoding here. The reason being I have to manually change each time , I move the build from DEV to SIT ,PROD environements.
Hi There,
The following is the structure of my war tag
<war destfile="${CDOTWeb.jarFile}" webxml="${CDOTWeb.home}/xml/web.xml">
<fileset dir="${CDOTWeb.home}">
<include name="**/**"/>
<exclude name="sr*"/>
<exclude name="cla*"/>
<classes dir="${}/"/>
<webinf dir="${CDOTWeb.home}/WEB-INF/"/>
The war file generated does not have the WEB-INF and WEB_INF/classes dir in it neither is the web.xml file. Any idea what could be wrong. Also I do not want the "src" and "classes" directories to be included in the war files, but though I exclude, still they are included.
Mohamed Zafer
20 years ago
Hi There,
Has anyone come across any java API to read the content of MS WORD documents. Though there are a couple of API's to write into rtf or word, I could find one to read.
Mohame Zafer
20 years ago
Hello there,
Please let me know how to configure and deploy the CMP's and BMP's in WAS 4, using the Assembly Tool. I do not have any IDE.
Mohamed Zafer
Hello There,
I have few clarifications on EJB. Please take time to help me.
We can define "Security Role" in the Deployment descriptor. How can I use this from my EJB. For example consider
I have an EJB called "AdminEJB". This EJB can be accesed by only administrators, hence I define a "security-role" called
"admin". Now please tell me what all should I do restrict others form accesing the EJB.
I have the following queries
1. I have a user called "zafer" who is an administrator, How can I map the user "zafer" with role "admin"
2. When should the methods "isCallerInRole()" and getCallerPrincipal() be used.
3. There is a node called "security-identity", what is it actually used for.

4. Similar is for "method-permission" node, How can I use it.

Currently I am using Pramati Server3.0 and also WebSphere 5.
Mohamed Zafer
Hello there,
The request to my servlet, can have no HTTP headers. In this case I should add HTTP headers before sending it to the servlet. Also the response coming from the servlet should be stripped down of the HTTP header's before leaving the server. Heard that filters can be used for this purpose.
Someone please shed more light on how to do it.
22 years ago