Paul Allen

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since May 19, 2003
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Recent posts by Paul Allen

In a enterprise scenario that comes without strong Executive/Business support and commitment for a DevOps initiative, what are some of the high level focus items for getting the DevOps initiative going? The hope being to show success and get the Executive/Business buy-in after the fact, or, would it be better to devote time and energy to getting the commitment up front?
9 years ago
Good point Len, thank you.
9 years ago
In a DevOps initiative how critical is it that the lower environments (i.e., non-production) be virtual (as opposed to dedicated) in terms of being able to quickly stand-up, test and tear-down these environments after a build and deploy?
9 years ago
For patterns the book covers the following:
- Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns
- Security patterns (for Web, Business, and Service Tiers)
- Java EE design patterns (Business Component, Integration, Infrastructure, and Interceptor)
- Law of Leaky Abstractions
- Anti-patterns (for Integration, Business, and Presentation Tiers)
We designed the book to cover all aspects of the OCMJEA 6 exam and to provide the reader with sufficient material (including practice exams) in order to pass all three parts.
Our primary goal with this edition of the book was not to prepare the reader in a production level way, but to cover all aspects of the OCMJEA 6 examination so a reader can pass all three parts.
This book is a study guide for passing the OCMJEA 6 exam. Although you may find our book useful, it is not a reference book for learning how to be an architect nor is it a substitute for experience in an architect role.
We designed the book to cover all aspects of the OCMJEA 6 exam and to provide the reader with sufficient material in order to pass all three parts. Additional reference material and attending one or more of the recommended classes will also help tremendously. I think six months is a realistic time period for an individual to prepare for and to pass the exam. However this is simply and estimate, your mileage may vary.
In the past Oracle provided an upgrade path to prior releases of the exam, but I'm not sure that Oracle provides an upgrade path to the current one. You may want to double check the Oracle Education web site.

That being said, if the upgrade exists or not, I'm sure our guide will be very useful to you.
Sorry, but we are not privy to the publisher's specific plans for an Indian edition. Perhaps you should contact the local Oracle Press / McGraw-Hill Education representative for details on this?
We believe the core elements of OCMJEA will continue to be relevant in all current and future architectures. Although the current exam does not cover cloud architecture specifically, it's clear that Java EE has to evolve in this space and therefore as it does, so will the associated exam material. We are not privy to Oracle's plans for the future of Java and cannot speculate on a time table, but we do remain very optimistic about the future of Java EE and the OCMJEA exam.
The errata should have been posted a while back to the Osbourne McGraw-Hill site (Osbourne Errata). However it is not there yet, so here is the most recent errata file contents:
Title: Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide
ISBN: 0072226870
Author Name: Paul Allen, Joseph Bambara
Print number: 2nd
Page 299, Answer 1: Correct answer : D. Design patterns do not address totally novel problems, so this cannot be a benefit gained.
Page 299, Answer 1: Incorrect answer: A, B and C. These are benefits gained by using Design Patterns.
Page 297, Question 17: Question should be "The Command design pattern ____________ a request in an object."
Page 300, Answer 17: Correct answer : B. The Command design pattern encapsulates a request in an object.
Page 300, Answer 17: Incorrect answer: A, C and D. These are not valid descriptions of the Command pattern.
Page 297, Question 19: Question should be "The Decorator pattern appears in which of the following Java packages?"
Page 300, Answer 19: Correct answer : A and B. The Decorator pattern appears in the and java.awt packages.
Page 300, Answer 19: Incorrect answer: C and D. These packages do not contain the Decorator pattern.
Page 346, Question 6: Question should read "Which of the following can by used by Java RMI?"
Page 348, Answer 6: Correct answer : A, B and D. RMI can use stubs, skeletons and IIOP.
Page 348, Answer 6: Incorrect answer: C. ORBs are used with CORBA.
Page 441, Question 12: Question should read "Which of the following Java technologies implements transaction management?"
Page 445, Answer 12: Correct answer : B. JTS provides an implementation of transaction management.
Page 445, Answer 12: Incorrect answer: A, C and D. These do not implement transaction management. JTA defines an API for transaction management, it does not implement it.