Kimberly Bobrow Jennery

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since May 20, 2003
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More specifically - FJ-310 is a J2EE Overview course, and covers servlets and JSPs as well. It is EJB-heavy, and it also uses the Sun ONE Studio product to create your EJBs. SL-351 doesn't use the tool, it's a bit more "under the covers" and addresses more advanced topics.
There. That's all. I think
I can directly answer this, since I'm currently updating the FJ-310 course, and I was involved in developing the exam
The combination of FJ-310 and SL-351 are meant to help someone prepare for the test - AND you'll still need to do some studying. You're also supposed to have six months work experience (that's the target audience for the test.)
So if you take those two classes, you will have built a couple of end-to-end applications which will give you a great background for the test (during the labs) and will give you a good framework in your brain to then look through the test objectives, and fill in the blanks.
Hope that helps!
Good one!
That's actually a pretty decent representative question, too! You may well get something not too unlike that!
Great job answering that one!
Although you seemed to find that easy, I'm not sure that would be considered similar to the the easiest of the EJB-QL questions; although I argued during the process that I didn't think that sort of thing was too tough at all, if you knew what you were doing.
I thought the drag and drop gave a great opportunity to really test this stuff here - I'm glad it translated even with the crappy formatting
I'll try to come up with one or more representative additional questions later if this is proving helpful.
I just posted a mock EJB-QL exam question in another topic here. The formatting could have been prettier, but hopefully it'll still be useful
yuck at the formatting ... sorry about that, still getting used to posting at the ranch, here!
I hope it's still useful and gets the point across!
This would be testing your ability to create an EJB QL query. This looks a lot better as a drag and drop, but you should get the idea. Hopefully the formatting won't be too horrific here:

As an explanation, on the test you would get to select from the query items at the bottom, and place them in the spots after the SELECT/FROM/WHERE key words. Like it says, any correct answer will be accepted (obviously anything with an AND has at least two ways of doing it - both perfectly acceptable.)
Hope this is useful!
Kathy and Bert, feel free to use that in the book
I'm not sure how useful this tip is, but I think this might be a good one.
I would take the exam objectives, and the spec, and start writing exam questions yourself. I think the very process of doing that would cause you to read and understand the pertinent parts of the spec, and you never know - you might come up with a pretty good mock test
I'm not sure you could do this without some additional information/experience, but I think it might be a reasonable way to study. The objectives are *that* clear (in most parts, anyway, right Kathy? )
Just a thought!

Originally posted by Andrew Perepelytsya:

I would ask you to shed some light on EJB-QL syntax questions. As you know, there are tricky limitations in comparisons for the WHERE clause. And they are not described to the extent they should be in the spec. Thus, only practical experience (read - error and trial) will provide answers, and this is not the best way to build certification exams, perhaps.
OK, waiting for more input

What sort of light would you like shed on the EJB-QL stuff? I did a lot of those, I'm happy to try to shed some light on what the test objectives are trying to test, etc.
Regarding earlier questions:
CMP 1.1 is not covered in anyway. CMP 2.0 is assumed or expressly stated.
Hope that helps!
Oh, *I* think they're the most fun, absolutely!
And no, unfortunately, no partial credit.
Yes ... yes ... you might see any of those that Kathy mentioned. For some quantity of "might" greater than zero
ROTFL - gee, thanks Kathy for the warm welcome and expose (I need a european keyboard to do that word properly
To answer the prior question, I'm not at ALL involved in the process, Kathy is much more likely to be able to rattle the right cages for that. I am a Sun employee though, so if I can help, I will certainly try to - I'm a very (very!) tiny cog in a very large machine though - so no promises. And I'm not NEARLY so squeaky a wheel as Kathy is *grins*
So yeah, I can help with objectives, etc. and will take the pummeling I probably deserve for some of the questions I wrote.
Thanks for the warm welcome - glad to be here in such fine company!
Hi there!
Last week I spent a truly inspiring week with Kathy and Bert (and several others) working on the EJB Exam Certification. I thought I'd drop in and see if I can't help field questions with Kathy and Bert on the exam, and just generally hang about
I suspect I'll see some familiar faces around, and look forward to meeting new friends as well.