Dirk Lombard
I am not a C# developer. The point is while the Java community try to sort out what will be the be the "next best" thing the .NET guys are delivering projects.
What will win?
Dirk you have a very very good point. Delivering projects is what counts. The art of building projects better, faster, more structured, etc etc. is why most of us are here. Besides business has a way of continually evolving, and so must our skills and our tools.
If you believe everything you will ever need will come from any one company, I'm not in a world you live in. My businesses change and projects change. And when my primary vendor can no deliver what I need, I find what I need from many other people who may have had a similar problem or build it myself. (Hopefully in a way I can share it with the rest of the development community, in case some else has a similar problem, and what build can help them.
What you see is bickering, or arguing between development groups is really coming to a consensus, and toning the tools for specific purposes. In a non-platform specific example that Java and .NET shares, the SAML 2.0 specification, is a combination of the Original SAML 1.0 Specification and the Liberty Alliance Specification. Both talked and discussed and agreed to find something more common so that we all benefit from it.
In th end, it means I have a bigger bag of tools to solve problems. I also understand why one tool is better to use in a certain situation over another. Example: Struts, JSF, Spring: All of which has thier strengths and meeknesses. I feel better making a choice about what is being created than having it dicated to me.
In .NET's defense everyone doing .NET, does it the same way, which is good for consistency. Java is sometimes like the wild, wild west if you don't have a good marshal. But I have heard of some scary C# code in some shops as well.
I just don't believe in the one size fits all - solution. My opinion.
But still good points Mr. Dirk Lombard. In my opinion there is room for both. I actually think it is healthy. I am not sure if Java generics would ever have made it without the push from .NET. But obviously it was a very very good move. The future is bright for both.
I also believe most of these decisions are made on the golf field than in an IT Lab.
Sun Certified Web Business Component Developer
Sun Certified Web Components Developer
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform