Purushoth Thambu

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since May 24, 2003
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Try with

== for object types compares reference not the value.
You can use loadproperties + filterchain (if you want to read only one property) task

Have a look at http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/loadproperties.html
15 years ago
Struts didn't reach to you action yet. It couldn't resolve the URL "vvm/vvm.action". Are you sure you have "vvm" action within "vvm" package? May be you need to post the struts.xml
15 years ago
Namespace is URI prefix for the resource you are requesting.

See below links for details
1. http://struts.apache.org/2.0.12/docs/namespace-configuration.html
2. http://struts.apache.org/2.0.12/docs/package-configuration.html
15 years ago
You could have used setAsciiStream API in prepared statement interface. CLOB is specific to Oracle
What's the JVM version in your XP and in 2003? My guess is 2003 has lower version of JVM
16 years ago
In Oracle it's quite possible with some restriction though. You can create INSTEAD OF trigger. See the below URL for restrictions
Instead Of
16 years ago
I recently used JMeter. It's really worth looking into this.
16 years ago
If you are looking for algorithm take a look at wiki. Look at the section "Fractions with prime denominators". This explains how we can easily look for the pattern.
16 years ago
Check "removeAll(Collection<?> c)" method in collections framework.
16 years ago
I can think of two options
(1) Search for all the drives to find the winword.exe and use the path.
(2) Make use of windows file type association without bothering where the exe is located.

The above snippet opens new command window and from there winword or any office suite app is launched and shell is destroyed immediately. You can try cmd.exe /? to find more options.
16 years ago
You must be using unwar or unjar ant tasks. jar with compress options will determine whether the files should be compressed and zip/jar'ed and will not extract the files.

See this link
17 years ago