Manav Mitra

Ranch Hand
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since Jun 01, 2003
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Recent posts by Manav Mitra

Thanks all for your inputs, I believe "good programming skills are domain independent" but just a bit skeptical about how many employers would agree to this. Here some employers are even specific about the version of Weblogoc you use for J2EE!!!
Anyway, I am also willing to give it a shot, now that consulatant is offering 45% more than what I am getting.
- Manav
21 years ago
I have done some development in J2ME few months agao, however my current work mostly invloves core Java and JSP/Servlets, which is OK.
I have got this offer from a mid-size company (mine is small) to work on J2ME exclusively. The salary hike is good - abt 25-30%.
My Dilemma is - I personally do not like J2ME much, though I do not know enough about it. I would like to work on EJBs and other J2EE stuff, as it is quite hot here in India, but at the same time there are far too many J2EE experts floating around in the market. As for, J2ME, not many people know it so I think if I start early and J2ME picks up well, I'll have a definite edge over others. But I do not realy know what are the prospectus for a J2ME ? What is the future of a J2ME and J2ME programmer? If I work on J2ME for a year or so, I'll be moving away from the development of J2EE and also core Java up to certain extent. So there's this risk as well...
Thought I should ask more experienced people for some insight.
- Manav
21 years ago
I found the way. It should be something similar to this

Thanks anyway!
- Manav
21 years ago
This must be easy, but I am stuck here...
I want to support POST method only and not the GET method, how do I do this?
- Manav
21 years ago

Originally posted by Michael Ernest:

I'd sure like to answer those, since I have two kids.
It doesn't occur to me tell my child how the world is; I am far more interested in what they see and how they express their view. My son in 8 and doesn't think there is a God. My daughter doesn't seem to care much about the question.
I would prefer that my children be happy and treat themselves and others well. Whatever belief system gets them there is fine with me.
Why would an atheist necessarily be a pessimist? Why would anyone who believes in a God necessarily be an optimist?

I wholeheartedly agree with Michael!!
- Manav
21 years ago
I haven't read other argumes yet, but speaking for myself, I am yet to fully understand if I am an atheist or not. I would like to believe in god, but there's so much pain, suffering and unscrupolous corrupt people are having fun with all the money... there is no balance... no justice... You see spastic children and really wonder if there is any such thing?
- Manav
21 years ago

Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:

In what language is it "sthan"? I am curious, because former Soviet republics also use "stan" in their names:

That would be Sanskrit and hence many Indian languages, including Hindi.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Ajit Wadekar:
Hello All
After living in US for almost 5 years, I am back in India right now. I got my Graduate Degree in US and worked there for 3.5 years.
Now working for a second tier Software company in India.
I dont see any differene as per the Technology and the Work Enviroment is concetned, till now everything looks good.
Just wondering if you know how much should I get with my education and Experience in India. Currently I am getting 10K USD here in India
Thank you

Assuming that it is 10K/yr, I think that's OK salary. You can get around 12k - 15K USD.
21 years ago
Yeah, Urdu is probably the most beautiful and poetic language ... ever!
It's sort of rhetoric at times and borrows many words from parsian, but as for it's riches and beauty, unmatched.
Talking of funny translations, here in Maharashtra where I stay, the word "Kundi" means (in marathi) a pot for plants ... however it means something else in Kannada (Ask Devesh!)... and my friends would tease me - What do u want to put in your "Kundi"?
21 years ago

Originally posted by Ravish Kumar:

and FYI, Barma and SriLanka were also part of India.

AFAIK, Sri Lanka has never been a part of India. It is very much an independant, autonomous nation.
21 years ago
BTW how did I become ranch hand all of a sudden? I am a greenhorn if I remember correctly...
How do I become "bartender" or "beautiful long neck"?
21 years ago
Actually what Mark Fletcher said in another thread is true, but honestly couldn't resist...
I am with Map and Ravish on this one. Now let's consider few things -
First and foremost, the girl was not in arrest (so no "freeing" her), and probably "abuse" is a very strong word here. This is a case of orthodox father and his daughter and the way he feels over-protective about the girl. Slapping kids is not that uncommon here in India. Many kids get slapped by their mom & dad (I should know! ). This is where I think cultural sensitivity comes in the picture -- and quite often you'd find that people from other nations accuse that US lacks cultural sensitivity for other countries cultures (not within the US mind you. I am quite aware of Americas' cultural diversity). This is the difference between ascetic lifestyle and hedonistic lifestyle. Maybe he was just too strict when trying to discipline her. Most important thing is - does she really hate her father??? This situation is not very uncommon here if the eldest child is a girl and if father is too conservative -- often after some time the father mellows down, partly because the girl rebels and partly because the old man really loves his kids and younger siblings have it easy. Belive me, it happens...
Now let's agree for arguments sake that the case is much worse it is indeed "child abuse", in that case would you attack her house and kill the man or would you report it to the concerned authority so that they take the necessary action. If you attack, you'd be demolishing much more than her father (perceived thread), including her feeling of security... and in the process might hurt the person you intended (or claimed?) to help! This is where we have problem, we also have no sympathy for Saddam otherwise...
Just quoting what I said earlier...

Originally posted by Manav Mitra:
I think US feels omnipotent and strangely self-righteous to decide it for themselves that they need to "punish" someone. They are the ones who accuse, they are ones who judge and then they pass verdict ad execute it. Great!!! Again, let me re-iterate that I am not saying that Iraq was not suffering because of sadaaam, they sure were, but this is no way to solve the "problem" for them. After all, it's not SH that you'd be killing (God knows if he's still alive or...), you are in fact attacking Iraq, destroying their nation and killinkg their people for their own good. That's where the world has problems and protests.

- Manav
21 years ago
Beatles and Elvis were indeed very influential here!! I disagree that beatles didn't have much talent, awesome talent man -- but may be too repetative/monotonous. There are far too many cover versions of their songs popular toda yas well. McCarteny/Lennon were too good!
But as for unique style, Pink Floyd rules. They are unmatched, but they ar not my favs.
My fav - Lobo!
- Manav
21 years ago

Originally posted by Sankar Subbiah:

This is a news to me.. Do you have the source? I don't think medicines in India is subsidized by the government.

I'll hunt for the source, but I remember when "Aspirin" was supposed to be priced higher, there was quite a bit of opposition for that, as it belongs to the necessary drugs category and hence it stays at 25ps
Likewise, sorbitrate (I hope I spelt it correctly), is also very important for heart patients and hence it is subsidized and is available at a much cheaper price as compared to international market.
Also, as you'd know the books are much cheaper in India as compared to their international prices.
However, it will change soon, I can foresee increase steep in increase in following filelds -
1) Eucation, esp higher education
2) Medicines, and there are three forces which would be affecting this -
(a)MNCs like pfizer
(b)Newly entrant isurance companies in Indian market, they need to sell few new insurance packages, right? Soon we'd be having compulsory medical insurance
(c)Steep increase in the cost of medical education
We have been paying price of globalization for quite some time now... And it is just the begining!
[ June 05, 2003: Message edited by: Manav Mitra ]
21 years ago

Originally posted by Chris Stewart:
If so, say which language and which IDE. I'm starting to feel like I should stop using JBuilder for Java. I feel like I'd learn more about the language and individual packages if I used UltraEdit and the cmd line compiler.

I agree with this, get yourself a Textpad. It's really good and free.
- Manav
21 years ago