Originally posted by Stan James:
... Web services - XML over HTTP ...
Originally posted by Stan James:
... re-inventing the remote procedure call...
Originally posted by Eduardo Rodrigues:
If I put the VO�s showing the dependendy then my component diagram will be a confusion!
Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
Nope, not taken from books, but from all of my experience with them.
Originally posted by roy siju:
Now if from the same browser If I jump to another URL will it be able to read the my https url(referring url) and can break into the server "some.server.domain".
Originally posted by roy siju:
From Cade's Guide:
"SSL connection also provides a maintenance of state between one request and the next. Using the state in the SSL connection at application level avoids the security problems associated with cookies or URL rewriting"
Originally posted by roy siju:
Regarding point 5 ...
In my project we have 1 web server ( SunOne WebServer ) where we have kept the static contents ( like html, javascripts, images , css etc) and the dynamic request gets forwarded to Application Server ( WAS 4.0 Which has both WebContainer and EJB container..So, Servlet , JSP, EJBs are all in AppServer ). Here I was thinking that if we would have 2 SunOne WebServer and a hardware load balancer in front of it...what will happen?
Originally posted by Mark Spritzler:
... my philosophy is to not use Stateful Session beans. There are always other alternatives.
If you need to hold state, and not store in a database, then EJB's really probably won't be your best bet. Also, this is true if you are using the Web. i.e. Servlets and JSP, they have a better mechanism for session, either URL re-writing or Session contexts.