Yes, they have an OCA (Oracle Certified Associate) exam for the Oracle 9i AS. You would need to follow a one week course (Basic Administration) and two online courses. Sijtsche
Hi, Has anyone of you ever inserted a struts application as a portlet in Oracle portal? It is perfectly rendering my first JSP with struts tags but it is rendering a / which does not exist in Oracle portal. Help! Sijtsche
I already have been working some time with servlets and JSP and to have confidence that I know almost everything by heart I think I need 1.5 week. Sijtsche
I agree with taking the first test. To get more feeling for the subject I would suggest to try and set up your own demo mini web application with Tomcat. Sijtsche
instead of import javax.servlet; use import javax.servlet.*; You should use this rule: import packagename.classname; or * instead of classname for all classes in that package. Sijtsche